Israel arrested 450 Palestinians, including 69 children, in August

 Israeli arrest children

4 Sep 2019; MEMO: The Israeli occupation forces arrested 450 Palestinians, including 69 children and 13 women, during August, the Palestinian Prisoners’ Centre for Studies said on Monday.

The Centre registered 10 detentions from Gaza, including a fisherman captured while working off the coast, said spokesperson Riyadh Ashqar. He added that the Israelis arrested eight children from Gaza near the nominal border fence along the east of the coastal enclave.

Others arrested by the Israeli occupation forces included two photojournalists, Hasan Dabbous and Abdel Muhsen Shalaldeh, after breaking into their homes and intimidating their children. A disabled Palestinian man, identified as Jarrah Naser, was also arrested in the occupied holy city of Jerusalem.

Ashqar named four of the children arrested by Israel as Mohammed Najeeb, aged10; Mahmoud Hajajreh, 12; Ali Al-Taweel, 13; and Yousef Abu Nab, also 13. One of the women arrested, he pointed out, was Jordanian citizen Hiba Libdi, who was detained at Al-Karameh Crossing. Another Palestinian woman, 59-year-old Siham Battat, was arrested by the Israeli occupation authorities during a visit to see her son Haitham Battat in Israel’s Hadarim Prison.