All Peace Deals Will End If Netanyahu Annexes Jordan Valley: Palestinian President

Mahmoud Abbas

RAMALLAH, Palestine, Sept 11 (NNN-WAFA) – Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, warned that, all peace agreements will end, if Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, moves to annex the occupied Jordan Valley.

Abbas said, the agreements signed with Israel shall be terminated, if the Israeli side imposes its sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, northern Dead Sea, or any parts of the Palestinian territories, occupied by Israel in 1967.

“We have the right to defend our rights and achieve our goals by all available means, whatever the results are, since Netanyahu’s decisions contradict international legitimacy and law,” the Palestinians leader said.

Abbas’ response came, after Netanyahu announced that he will annex the Jordan Valley, once he is re-elected in the Sept 17 elections.

Also on Tuesday, Arab foreign ministers condemned Netanyahu, for threatening to annex the occupied Jordan Valley, calling it a dangerous development and “a new Israeli offensive” that undermines peace chances.

The ministers, who met in Cairo for the Arab League Council’s 152nd session, vowed, they are prepared to take all legal and political actions to counter this unilateral Israeli policy.

They warned that the Israeli government should bear responsibility for the consequences of these statements, which they described as “dangerous, illegal and irresponsible.”

They reaffirmed their adherence to the principles of the Arab position, that supports the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.