Netanyahu refuses to apologise to Palestinians of Israel

Benjamin Netanyahu

16 Sep 2019; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed yesterday that he did not practice incitement against Arabs in Israel, Arab48 reported.

During an interview published by the Israeli news website Walla, Netanyahu denied any wrongdoing, claiming he had no need to apologise.

“Am I inciting?” he asked. “Against [MK] Ayman Odeh?” he continued.

This came just days after he wrote on Facebook: “Arabs want to annihilate us all – women, children and men.”

He said he did not need to apologise because the message was “corrected immediately”.

Netanyahu claimed he does not respect Arab members of the Knesset because they visit the homes of Palestinian “terrorists” who expose the state of Israel to danger and “refuse” to accept the Jewish state.

Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh on Wednesday described Netanyahu’s post as “racist and dangerous incitement against the Arab population,” accusing him of having “no red lines”.