Arab MK forced out of Israel parliament after dispute over Gaza offensive

Ahmed Tibi

15 Nov 2019; MEMO: Yuli Edelstein, speaker of the Israeli Knesset, yesterday dismissed Arab MK Ahmed Tibi from the Knesset plenum after he heckled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, local media reported.

Arab member of the Knesset shouted “you are lying and inciting against us” during Netanyahu’s speech in which he accused them of encouraging terrorism. Tibi was subsequently sent out of the chamber. Other MKs walked out as Netanyahu continued his speech.

Netanyahu was addressing the Knesset about the military campaign against the besieged Gaza Strip which has led to the death of 34 Palestinians, with member of the Arab-dominated Joint List refusing to support the action.

Head of the Joint List Ayman Odeh criticised Netanyahu’s attacks on Gaza.

“A cynical man who lost two consecutive elections will leave only scorched earth in a desperate attempt to remain in office,” Odeh tweeted.

He added: “For ten years he has risen every morning with the aim of deepening the occupation [of the West Bank] and distancing the chances for peace.”