Russian diplomat blasts US State Department for spreading ‘fake news’

MOSCOW, November 8. /TASS/. The US Department of State is churning out fake news against Russia on an industrial scale while US President Donald Trump is fighting bogus news stories in the American media, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday.

"While the US president is fighting fake news on CNN, he apparently does not notice in the heat of the struggle that his subordinates in his administration just continue to generate them, these bogus stories are already on an industrial level now," the Russian diplomat said.

As an example, the spokeswoman noted a map of NATO countries issued by the US State Department in order to quell Moscow’s fears over the military alliance’s expansion.

"It shows a map of Russia and the alliance’s member states bordering our country. The logic was that Russia borders literally with several NATO member states and it has nothing to fear," the diplomat said.

"For whom is this intended? Is this intended for a kindergarten or a nursery? Or, perhaps, modern children are far more inclined to have analytical thinking than those who dream up these fake news stories," the diplomat stressed.