Russian MP slams Kiev’s martial law bid as drive for ‘rosy dream of military dictatorship’

MOSCOW, November 26. /TASS/. Martial law, should it be imposed in Ukraine, would be the most expedient course of action for the government in Kiev to run the country, which they have been pursuing for a long time, Deputy Speaker of Russia’s State Duma (the lower house of parliament) Irina Yarovaya said on Monday.

"[Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko] had requested to impose martial law which has been part of his a long-desired policy, utterly expedient which unshackles the current Ukrainian policymakers from any responsibility," the press center quoted Yarovaya as saying. "The entry of the Ukrainian warships into the Kerch Strait had been a deliberate and planned violation scheme clearly seeking a subsequent arrest [of the vessels], which is a specified and necessary measure to stop an offence in such cases," the State Duma Deputy Speaker stressed.

It means, "All actions by the Ukrainian side had been plotted and could have only been implemented upon the orders of the country’s top leadership," Yarovaya pointed out. "Hence, the imposition of martial law is part of this political plan," the lower house’s deputy speaker emphasized.

"A military dictatorship in Ukraine is a rosy dream of those who had staged the entire Maidan (uprising) ‘independence’, which is focused on the destruction of civilization and law, and the transformation of Ukraine into a hotspot for military aggression," Yarovaya added.

The State Duma Deputy Chairman is confident that Poroshenko's plans contradict the interests of the Ukrainian people. "He needs imaginary legitimization through the Rada (Ukraine's parliament) for his own empty threats to further anarchy and aggression in Ukraine," she stated.

"Poroshenko’s overall policy starting from the coup d’etat, the war against the people of Donbass, the collapse of the economy and the cult of nationalism, and staged provocations is just a gunpowder barrel, which undermines not just Ukraine but the basics of European security and which, led by its curators, drags Europe into the zone of Ukraine’s aggressive instability," Yarovaya pointed out.

Sea of Azov standoff

The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) reported on November 25 that the Ukrainian warships, the Berdyansk, the Nikopol and the Yany Kapu had violated the Russian state border on Sunday morning and again attempted to carry out illegal maneuvers in Russia’s territorial waters later. The Ukrainian vessels ignored the legitimate demands of the Coast Guard of the FSB Border Service and the Black Sea Fleet to immediately halt, and stop performing dangerous maneuvers. A chase involving some gunfire had been used in order to stop the Ukrainian ships, which were detained in the Russian territorial waters. Criminal proceedings are being initiated for violating the state border of the Russian Federation.

The Treaty on the Legal Status of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait, signed in 2003, confirmed their status as the domestic waters of Russia and Ukraine. The parties agreed on the joint usage and protection of the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait and introducing restrictions on vessels belonging to third countries.