Interpol issues red notice for wanted U.S. diplomat's wife over deadly car crash in Britain


LONDON, May 12 (Xinhua) -- The International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) on Monday issued a Red Notice for the arrest of a U.S. diplomat's wife named Anne Sacoolas, who was charged over a car crash killing a young man in Britain last year.

Harry Dunn was killed when his motorbike and a car collided outside a U.S. military base in Northamptonshire on Aug. 27 last year. The driver of the car, Sacoolas, returned to the United States, claiming diplomatic immunity and was subsequently charged by Britain's Crown Prosecution Service with causing death by dangerous driving.

Sacoolas' husband is an American intelligence official working at a U.S. military base in central England, according to U.S. media. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo later rejected an extradition request from the Home Office in January, triggering strong opposition from the British side.

Britain labelled the U.S. refusal a "denial of justice" and called the U.S. ambassador to Britain to express the government's disappointment.

"We feel this amounts to a denial of justice, and we believe Anne Sacoolas should return to the UK. We are now urgently considering our options," said British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab in an earlier statement.

Red Notices are issued for fugitives wanted either for prosecution or to serve a sentence. A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action, Interpol explained on its official website.

The case of Sacoolas has been a thorn in the "special relationship" between the United States and Britain, prompting debates over the limits of diplomatic immunity in cases unrelated to national security, according to local media.