Israel demolishes wall at Islamic cemetery in Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers demolished wall of Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem

15 Dec 2020; MEMO: The Israeli occupation's Jerusalem Municipality yesterday raided an Islamic cemetery in the occupied holy city, Palestinian sources reported.

Municipal teams, along with Israeli soldiers and bulldozers, demolished the wall and stairs in the northern part of the Al-Yusufiye Cemetery to make a garden in the area, Executive Director of the Commission for the Protection of Muslim Graves Ahmed Al-Dajani told Anadolu Agency.

Al-Dajani called on the Israeli authorities to halt their attacks on Muslim sites in the region, stressing that this cemetery is an Islamic one and part of the Islamic endowments in the holy city.

Ten days ago, work teams from the Israeli municipality raided the cemetery and destroyed stairs in it, but they ceased their work after local Palestinians gathered in protest against their work.

No statement has yet been issued from the Israeli municipality on the incident.

Al-Yusufiye Cemetery, located next to the wall surrounding Jerusalem's Old City, is one of the oldest Muslim graveyards in occupied Palestine.

International law views both the West Bank and East Jerusalem as occupied Palestinian territories and any Israeli aggression on these territories is considered a violation of these legislations.