Sudan: Hamdok cancels construction of 2 Nile dams

 Abdalla Hamdok

24 Apr 2021; MEMO: Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok has cancelled the construction of the Dal and Kajbar dams north of the country, in response to local rejection of the projects previously approved by the regime of ousted President Omar Al-Bashir.

Hamdok, who addressed the people of the Nuba region, announced the cancellation of major dam projects, demanding that the major projects on the Nile be subjected to economic, social and environmental studies, in which local communities would be: "An original partner in the decision-making process and the gains emanating from the projects."

Sudan's prime minister stated: "Northern Sudan has suffered from marginalisation like the rest of the country."

Hamdok is visiting the Northern State accompanied by a high-ranking ministerial delegation after a two-day visit to the Nile River State.

The "North Path" agreement, included in the peace agreement signed between the government and the Sudan Revolutionary Front factions in October 2020, stipulated the suspension of the Dal and Kajbar projects.

The people of the Nuba regions north of the country maintained their refusal to have the dams built in the region, for fear of displacement and the loss of rich local cultural heritage.

The people of the Kidintakar area built a memorial for four people who were assassinated by the security forces during protests against the Kajbar Dam in June 2007.