India: Once teachers, students used to focus on study, they care little now

Kanpur: No children or young boy care of giving more time at the examinations, as they should need to care of.

They give less time to study and remain active in whiling away their precious time in play.

Taking the case of three respective boys who are studying in three different classes viz., 5th 8th, & 10th at a good school here, it can be discerned that their interest in the study is inconsequential.

They either do not open books or find out a good knowledge of dodging their parents.

They do not grasp that it is their precious time that is unnecessarily wasting.

They even do not comprehend that the time once passed can not be returned.

Two of them go to tuition and think of no need to home study.

One who does not attend a tutor gives too little time to books. He has still not inferred that the study is more important for him than to kill time in needless play either with mobile at home or outdoor games. 

There was a time when the teachers used to burn the midnight oil in preparation for the exams. At that time, the students had to appear at Board examinations for class 8.