Sudanese security forces arrest Alaraby TV crew in Khartoum

Sudanese protesters

14 Jan 2022; MEMO: The Sudanese security forces stormed on Thursday the office of Alaraby television in the capital Khartoum, and arrested several journalists and crew members.

The detained crew members had been covering pro-democracy demonstrations taking place on Thursday and over the past months in Sudan, demanding a return to civilian rule.

Reporter Wael Mohammed Alhassan, office supervisor Islam Saleh, camera operator Mazen Oono and his assistant Abu Baker Ali were all arrested during the raid.

"Alaraby Television strongly condemns these actions, calls for the immediate release of Alaraby's team in Khartoum, and holds Sudanese authorities fully responsible for their safety and well-being;" the channel said in a statement, adding that its team operated with all the required licences and permits.

"The actions of the Sudanese Security Forces are a serious attack on the rights of journalists to work freely and without intimidation. The network calls upon all international human rights organisations to condemn the targeting of journalists and journalism," the channel added.

As of Thursday, more than 60 people were killed during pro- democracy protests which erupted in Sudan following a decision by army chief, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan to dismiss the sovereign transitional council, dismiss the interim government and put its ministers under house arrest, while seizing absolute power over the country.