Egypt arrests deputy editor of Radio and Television Magazine from her home in Cairo


02 Nov 2022; MEMO: Egyptian security forces have arrested the deputy editor of the state-run Radio and Television Magazine from her home in Cairo.

Prominent human rights lawyer Manal Ajrama had written posts criticising Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, reports Al-Quds.

According to local press report, Manal is 61 and is a carer for her elderly parents. She also suffers from the after effects of spinal surgery.

As the UN climate summit hosted by Egypt approaches, journalists, rights groups and politicians are raising the pressure on the Egyptian government to stop committing mass violations.

Several Egyptians have called for protests on 11 November to protest Al-Sisi's oppressive rule.

In response, the government has launched a mass arrest campaign to try and prevent any kind of demonstrations to coincide with COP27.

Earlier this week authorities arrested Indian climate activist Ajit Rajagopol at a checkpoint after he attempted to walk from Cairo to Sharm El-Sheikh as part of the March for our Planet global campaign.

READ: In Egypt, 6 intelligence officers resign after warning of people's anger

Rajagopol's lawyer Makarios Lahzy was also arrested when he went to offer legal advice; both were later released.

At the end of October, Khaled Ali announced that for ten days, every day there was a new group of prisoners facing state security prosecution.

Rights advocates have accused the Egyptian government of using the upcoming UN summit as a chance to greenwash Egypt's abysmal human rights record.

In April the government announced it would begin a national dialogue and has since released roughly 1,000 political detainees.

However, there are some 60,000 political prisoners in jail, detained in dire conditions, many of whom are tortured and denied medical care.

Rights advocates have described the release of these prisoners as welcome but put in place for international consumption and to create an impression that it is reforming.

Prominent political prisoner Alaa Abdelfattah has been on hunger strike for over 200 days to protest his unfair detention after being handed a five-year sentence for broadcasting false news.

As COP27 nears and he has still not been released, Alaa has announced he will escalate his hunger strike and stop consuming the daily 100 calories he has lived on since April.