Iran summons British Envoy to protest 'policy of accusations'

UK London

22 Feb 2023; MEMO: Iran summoned the British interim charge d'affaires on Wednesday to protest London's policy of "baseless" accusations against Tehran, Anadolu News Agency reports.

A Foreign Ministry statement said the UK Envoy, Isabelle Marsh, was summoned to protest the British policy of levelling unfounded accusations against Iran and promoting Iranophobia.

The Ministry demanded "an end to this unfriendly approach adopted by the British government".

The move came a day after the British government summoned Iran's top diplomat to condemn what it called "serious threats" to the lives of UK-based journalists.

On Monday, Britain imposed sanctions on eight senior Iranian figures, including judges, members of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and regional governors, for alleged human rights violations.

Iran termed the British sanctions as "politically motivated", saying "a country that has dealt with migrants and Muslims with the most severe discrimination and transfers refugees to Rwanda in breach of international law is in no position to preach about human rights."