Russian FM kicks off Latin American tour in Brazil

Sergei Lavrov

MOSCOW, April 17 (NNN-MERCOPRESS) — Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is off on a Latin American tour during which he will visit Brazil, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Cuba between April 17 and 21 to strengthen bilateral cooperation in political, economic, commercial, educational, and humanitarian matters, according to Moscow.

The meetings will focus on “the international legal foundations of the modern world, whose basic framework is the Charter of the United Nations,” a statement from Russian diplomatic authorities read.

Lavrov has insisted his country’s ties with Latin American and Caribbean countries were solid and appreciated the region’s stance regarding the military operation in Ukraine. Lavrov was also quoted as saying that Russia was not interested in Latin American and Caribbean countries becoming a battleground between powers in an already tense world.

He insisted that the West intends to impose a unipolar and neocolonial global order on the international community, for which it resorts to interference and launches “ideologically motivated operations to overthrow undesirable governments,” unilateral restrictive measures, and hybrid wars.

The Russian diplomat made it clear that “many peoples of the world have already felt its consequences, among them those of Cuba, Venezuela, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria” and added that the US and its allies wish to replace international law embodied in the UN Charter with their “rules,” which they direct against nations with a sovereign agenda.

“We are for the unity and diversity of Latin American and Caribbean countries. In diversity they are strong, politically cohesive, and economically sustainable,” said Lavrov.

Russian exports to Latin American and Caribbean countries grew 3.8 % in 2022 despite Western sanctions. In addition, supplies of fertilizers and oil products increased, while Russian wheat exports rose by 48.8 %. Russia is the main supplier of fertilizers to Brazil, which depends on them to develop the agribusiness with which it has become one of the world’s food powers.

Lavrov is to meet Monday with his Brazilian counterpart, Mauro Vieira, with whom he will address among other issues the potential of the strategic partnership between the two countries, the Brazilian Foreign Ministry reported Friday.

The two foreign ministers will discuss the “prospects for cooperation in areas of common interest, with a focus on trade and investment, science and technology, environment, energy, defense, culture, and education, as well as the strengthening of political dialogue on bilateral, international and regional issues,” a statement from Itamaraty read.

“The visit will also be an occasion to address the conflict in Ukraine. Brazil has advocated, in international forums and bilateral contacts, the immediate cessation of hostilities and the importance of joining diplomatic efforts to facilitate the achievement of a negotiated peaceful solution,” the note added.