
UN agency withdraws director from Gaza after threats

JERUSALEM (AP) — The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees says it has recalled its Gaza director after he faced threats over remarks in which he appeared to praise Israel’s “huge sophistication” in carrying out precision strikes during last month’s Gaza war.

UNRWA, which provides essential health, education and other services in the territory, said late Thursday that it was “seriously concerned” about the threats, including a “very large protest” outside its Gaza headquarters on Monday.

No ‘provoking’: Israeli official vows quieter tone with US

(AP) --- Israel’s visiting defense minister said Thursday that Israel will stay engaged on the terms as the U.S. tries to return to a nuclear deal with Iran, sidestepping what’s long been an area of open disagreement between the United States and the now-jeopardized government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Israel: Netanyahu rivals form a coalition government to oust him

Tel Aviv; 03 June 2021 (UMMN): Netanyahu rivals, led by secular centrist politician Yair Lapid, formally declared a coalition with sufficient parliamentary backing to form a government less than an hour before the midnight deadline, avoiding a fifth election.

Lapid informed Israeli President Reuven that he had formed a coalition consisting of at least 61 seats in the Knesset, but the new government will not be sworn in until later this month due to the Knesset’s recess.

4,650 Palestinian in Israel jails, prisoner group says

03 June 2021; MEMO: Some 4,650 Palestinian prisoners were being held in the Israeli occupation's jails as of the end of May, Anadolu reported the Palestinian Prisoners' Club (PPC) saying yesterday.

In a statement, the PPC said that 39 women and 180 minors are among the prisoners, who are enduring harsh conditions in Israeli prisons.

Israel: Netanyahu foes push for quick vote to end his 12-year rule

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponents on Thursday pushed for a quick parliament vote to formally end his lengthy rule, hoping to head off any last-minute attempts by the premier to derail their newly announced coalition government.

The latest political maneuvering began just hours after opposition leader Yair Lapid and his main coalition partner, Naftali Bennett, declared they had reached a deal to form a new government and muster a majority in the 120-member parliament, or Knesset.

Israel will thwart Iran's nuclear program even at expense of US ties: Netanyahu

02 June 2021; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would be willing to risk ties with the US in order to thwart Iran's nuclear programme.

Netanyahu also called for the continuation of covert operations against Iran, adding: "I have said these things to my friend of 40 years, [US President] Joe Biden, and I told him, 'With or without an agreement, we will continue to do everything in our power to prevent Iran from arming itself with nuclear weapons.'"

Israel sees probable link between Pfizer vaccine and myocarditis cases

(Reuters) --- Israel’s Health Ministry said on Tuesday it had found the small number of heart inflammation cases observed mainly in young men who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in Israel were likely linked to their vaccination.

Pfizer has said it has not observed a higher rate of the condition, known as myocarditis, than would normally be expected in the general population.

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