
Israel: Netanyahu vows crackdown on military no-shows in judicial protest

17 July 2023; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, pledged to crack down on Monday against threatened no-shows for military reserve duty by opponents of his judicial overhaul plan, saying such actions were anti-democratic and risked emboldening the country's foes, Reuters reports.

US President Biden invites Israel Prime Minister to Washington

17 July 2023; MEMO: US President Joe Biden has invited Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to Washington for an official visit, a statement from the Prime Minister's office said on Monday, Reuters reports.

The move marks a shift in US – Israeli relations as most Israeli prime ministers had already received an invitation to the White House this far into their terms.

Hundreds of Israel reserve doctors suspend military services to protest judicial overhaul

16 July 2023; MEMO: Hundreds of Israeli reserve doctors have suspended their military services in the Israeli army in protest against the Israeli far-right government's plan to weaken the judiciary, Rai Al-Youm reported on Friday.

The doctors, including physicians and psychiatrists, penned a letter to the Military Medicine Club asking it to send an urgent message to the army leadership to update them on the doctors' action.

Israel's Netanyahu discharged from hospital

16 July 2023; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was discharged from hospital on Sunday after being admitted the previous day for dehydration, with doctors saying he was in good health, reports Reuters.

Netanyahu, 73, was taken on Saturday to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer, near his private residence in coastal Caesarea, and kept overnight under observation.

His motor convoy was seen departing Sheba as Israeli media quoted his office as saying he had been discharged.

Four groups bid in latest Israel offshore gas exploration tender

17 July 2023; MEMO: Four groups of companies have made bids in Israel's latest tender for offshore hydrocarbon exploration, the Energy Ministry said on Sunday, reports Reuters.

The ministry said the groups include a total of nine companies, five of which were new to the Israeli market. It did not name which companies took part.

Palestinian gunman opens fire on a car in the occupied West Bank, wounding 3, including 2 girls

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — A Palestinian gunman opened fire on a car in the occupied West Bank on Sunday, wounding three Israelis, including two girls, Israeli authorities said. The suspect fled the scene of the shooting, but he was later captured.

The bloodshed was the latest in a relentless cycle of violence that has gripped the region, driving up the death toll and sparking the worst fighting between Israel and the Palestinians in the West Bank in nearly two decades.

Israel’s Netanyahu is rushed to hospital for dehydration. Hours later, he says he feels ‘very good’

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday declared that he feels “very good” after he was rushed to the hospital for what doctors said likely was dehydration.

But doctors ordered him to remain in the hospital overnight for further observation, and his weekly Cabinet meeting was delayed by a day and rescheduled for Monday, his office said.

Israel: MK Odeh expelled from Knesset for condemning Israel invasion of Jenin

14 July 2023; MEMO: The Hadash-Ta'al list's Chairman, Ayman Odeh, was forced out of the Knesset plenary last week during a vote on the Counterterrorism Law after condemning the Israeli attack on the Palestinian refugee camp of Jenin.

He said: "People killed in Jenin. People wounded in Tel Aviv. A killed soldier. All of their blood is because of your damned occupation. Occupation blinds you. Power blinds you. You are not only acting like occupiers, you are acting like idiots."

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