
Russia may resume production of ‘digitalized’ Ruslan heavy-lift cargo planes

MOSCOW, July 30. /TASS/. Russia may resume the production of super-heavy Antonov An-124 cargo planes. They will be digitalized and will carry new PD-35 engines, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said on Monday.

"The resumption of the production of An-124 planes will be linked with the possibilities of PD-35 engines that are made in the United Engine-Building Corporation. But there will be nothing new. We will simply digitalize the An-124 with new engines," Borisov said.

BRICS talks Turkey: Erdogan’s wish to join group cannot be fulfilled now, expert says

MOSCOW, July 30. /TASS/. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s aspiration to make his country a full-fledged member of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), expressed at the Johannesburg summit, cannot be fulfilled now, Executive Director for the National Committee on BRICS Research Georgy Toloraya told TASS.

China to test fire Russian S-400 systems for first time in late July-early August — source

MOSCOW, July 27. /TASS/. China plans to carry out the first-time test firing of Russia’s S-400 Triumf missile defense systems in the end of July or in early August, a military and diplomatic source told TASS.

"It is planned that in late July-early August the unit of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, which underwent training in Russia, will carry out the firing against a simulated ballistic target at a Chinese firing ground," the source said.

Russia’s Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation has declined to comment on the report.

UK will need to ink new deals with Russia after Brexit, EU envoy says

MOSCOW, July 23. /TASS/. After Brexit, the United Kingdom will need to sign new deals with Russia and other countries with which London’s relations are subject to the EU’s legal and contractual basis, Russia’s envoy to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov said in an interview with TASS on Monday.

Russian human rights council asks US counterparts to protect Butina’s rights

MOSCOW, July 21. /TASS/. The Russian Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights has filed a request with the US Commission on Civil Rights, asking to protect the rights of Russian citizen Maria Butina, says a letter to the commission’s chair, Catherine Lhamon.

At historic summit, Trump refuses to confront Putin on vote row

To outrage in Washington, President Donald Trump on Monday lent weight to Russian denials of meddling in US elections at his inaugural summit with Vladimir Putin, where the pair championed a fresh start in relations between the world's leading nuclear powers.

The US and Russian presidents came out of their meeting in Helsinki expressing a desire to talk again on global challenges, after discussing an array of issues from Syria, Ukraine and China to trade tariffs and the size of their nuclear arsenals.

Brazil beat Mexico 2-0 to qualify for World Cup quarter-finals

AFP; Samara (Russia), Jul 2 : Neymar and Roberto Firmino scored the goals as Brazil beat Mexico 2-0 here today to reach the World Cup quarter-finals, where they will play Belgium or Japan.

The opening goal came in the 51st minute, when Neymar slid in to convert Willian's cross, and substitute Firmino scored a late second to seal the win as Neymar turned provider.

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