
NASA engineers install legs, wheels on Mars 2020 rover

LOS ANGELES, July 13 (Xinhua) -- NASA engineers have installed the legs and wheels, known as the mobility suspension, on the Mars 2020 rover recently, according to a latest release of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

More than a dozen "bunny suit"-clad engineers integrated the rover's legs and wheels on June 13 in the clean room of the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at JPL, marking another milestone in the rover's building.

Dem infighting on race spills into 2020 presidential contest

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The highly public, racially charged rift between House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a clutch of freshmen congresswomen led by Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez has spilled into the 2020 Democratic presidential contest. The intramural conflict is threatening to overshadow President Donald Trump’s history of race-baiting and xenophobia.

Quakes push Californians to prepare for the next big jolt

RIDGECREST, Calif. (AP) — Shaken residents are cleaning up from two of the biggest earthquakes to rattle California in decades as scientists warn that both should serve as a wake-up call to be ready when the long-dreaded “Big One” strikes.

California is spending more than $16 million to install thousands of quake-detecting sensors statewide that officials say will give utilities and trains precious seconds to shut down before the shaking starts.

Gov. Newsom says Trump wants to help California

RIDGECREST, Calif. (AP) — The Latest on Southern California’s strongest earthquake in 20 years (all times local):

4 p.m.

Gov. Gavin Newsom says President Donald Trump has called him and expressed commitment to helping California recover from two earthquakes that hit the state in as many days.

Speaking to reporters after touring the damage zone, Newsom said Saturday that he and Trump talked about the struggles California has been through, including two devastating wildfires that happened just six months ago.

Months of aftershocks could follow big California earthquake

RIDGECREST, Calif. (AP) — Officials in Southern California expressed relief Saturday that damage and injuries weren’t worse after the largest earthquake the region has seen in nearly 20 years, while voicing concerns about the possibility of major aftershocks in the days and even months to come.

No fatalities or major injuries were reported after Friday night’s 7.1-magnitude earthquake, which jolted an area from Sacramento to Mexico and prompted the evacuation of the Navy’s largest single landholding, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in the Mojave Desert.

TV is over the moon with specials recounting 1969 landing

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The 1969 moon landing turned an achievement seen only in the imagination and sci-fi movies into a most improbable television event, a live broadcast starring Neil Armstrong and a desolate landscape.

The astounding images from more than 200,000 miles away mesmerized viewers, a feat TV hopes to replicate leading up to the Apollo 11 mission’s 50th anniversary on July 20.

Latest Southern California quake causes damage, injuries

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A quake with a magnitude as large as 7.1 jolted much of California, cracked buildings, set fires, broke roads and caused several injuries, authorities and residents said.

The quake — preceded by Thursday’s 6.4-magnitude temblor in the Mojave Desert — was the largest Southern California temblor in at least 20 years and was followed by a series of large and small aftershocks.

U.S. police shoot man dead in fireworks show on eve of Independence Day

SAN FRANCISCO, July 4 (Xinhua) -- Police in Poulsbo city in the U.S. western state of Washington shot dead a man during a fireworks show on the eve of U.S. Independence Day on July 4, a Washington online newspaper reported Thursday.

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer quoted the Poulsbo Police Department as saying that police officers received reports of a man threatening people as a large crowd were converging at Waterfront Park of Poulsbo city to watch the fireworks show on the eve of the U.S. celebration of "Fourth of July" Independence Day.

Strongest earthquake in 20 years rattles Southern California

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The strongest earthquake in 20 years shook a large swath of Southern California and parts of Nevada on Thursday, rattling nerves on the July 4th holiday and causing injuries and damage in a town near the epicenter, followed by a swarm of ongoing aftershocks.

The 6.4 magnitude quake struck at 10:33 a.m. in the Mojave Desert, about 150 miles (240 kilometers) northeast of Los Angeles, near the town of Ridgecrest, California.

Jury sentences Navy SEAL for posing with Iraq war casualty

SAN DIEGO (AP) — A decorated Navy SEAL acquitted of murder in the killing of a wounded Islamic State captive in Iraq but convicted over posing with the corpse

was given a demotion by a military jury Wednesday after the Bronze Star recipient acknowledged making ethical and moral mistakes.

Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher, 40, was also handed the maximum penalty for the offense of four months in confinement, though he will serve no jail

time because it is less than the time he spent in custody before the trial.

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