
Turkey urges G-20 countries to take further action against climate change

9 Oct 2021; AA: Turkey urged G20 countries on Friday to take further action against climate change. 

G20 countries that have 70% of the world population and most of the global economic opportunities should act for the solution, Turkish Parliamentary Speaker Mustafa Sentop said in a news conference in Rome.

Reiterating that the Turkish Parliament already ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, he said countries that contribute more to pollution should bear more liability.

Indian Govt 'diluting' environmental laws: Disha Ravi

New Delhi, Oct 9 (PTI) Climate activist Disha Ravi on Saturday claimed the government was "diluting" environmental laws by proposing amendments to the Forest Conservation Act and that this "trend" started with the changes made to Environment Impact Assessment rules last year.

The 23-year-old activist, who was arrested in February in connection with a 'toolkit' on farmer protests, also said indigenous people, tribals and environmental defenders are hurt every single day for the very work that will protect everyone.

UN declares access to a clean environment a human right

09 Oct 2021; MEMO: The UN Human Rights Council today recognised access to a clean and healthy environment as a fundamental right, formally adding its weight to the global fight against climate hardship and climate change, Reuters reports.

The vote passed comfortably, despite criticism in the lead-up from some countries, notably the United States and Britain.

India staring at power crisis with coal stocks down to days

NEW DELHI (AP) — An energy crisis is looming over India as coal supplies grow perilously low, adding to challenges for a recovery in Asia’s third largest economy after it was wracked by the pandemic.

Supplies across the majority of coal-fired power plants in India have dwindled to just days worth of stock.

Federal Power Minister R. K. Singh told the Indian Express newspaper this week that he was bracing for a “trying five to six months.”

“I can’t say I am secure … With less than three days of stock, you can’t be secure,” Singh said.

Saudi Arabia to locally produce 70% of energy products it needs

07 Oct 2021; MEMO: Saudi Arabia is planning to locally produce 70 per cent of the energy products it requires over the next ten years, the country's energy minister announced yesterday.

Abdulaziz Bin Salman told reporters in the Saudi city of Dammam that the move was part of the kingdom's efforts to "increase Saudis employment across various economic sectors."

India: Delhi breathes its worst air from Nov 1 to 15 every year

New Delhi, Oct 7 (PTI) People in the national capital breathe the "worst" air between November 1 and November 15 every year, an analysis of data collated by the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) over the last five years showed.

The capital's average PM2.5 level oscillates between very poor and severe categories from October 16 to February 15.

It records an average PM2.5 concentration of 285 micrograms per cubic metre from November 1 to November 15.

India: Is there a ban on sale and use of crackers in Uttar Pradesh?

Kanpur: The festival of Diwali is approaching fast. Is there a ban on firecrackers in Uttar Pradesh? Of Course, it is not reportedly.

The Yogi Adityanath government has not announced the ban on the sale and use of firecrackers all over the state.

The bursting of fire crackers are supposed to carry pollution. That was why there was put a ban on its use in as many as 13 cities of Uttar Pradesh were not enabled in the year 2020.

However, this kind of ban has not been reported on the sale and use of firecrackers across the state for this year so far.

India: Adani to triple solar power generation capacity in 4 years

Hyderabad, Oct 4 (PTI) Having achieved the initial target of 25 Giga Watt renewable portfolio four years ahead of schedule, the Adani Group now plans to triple its solar power generation capacity in the next four years.

Speaking at the inaugural session of the 'TiE Sustainability Summit 2021' themed, "Where entrepreneurship meets sustainability", Gautam Adani said over the next decade, his group would invest over USD 20 billion in renewable energy generation.

Death toll in Cyclone Shaheen now 13 as storm churns in Oman

Dubai, Oct 4 (AP-PTI) The death toll from Cyclone Shaheen rose to 13 on Monday while other fishermen from Iran remained missing as the storm moved further inland into Oman and weakened.

Authorities in Oman said they found the body of a man who disappeared when floodwaters swept him away from his vehicle. On Sunday as the storm made landfall, they said a child similarly drowned and two foreigners from Asia died in a landslide. The country's National Committee for Emergency Management announced Monday afternoon seven additional deaths from the storm, without elaborating.

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