
UN to continue services for Palestinian refugees despite challenges: official

GAZA, May 23 (Xinhua) -- Comissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Pierre Krahenbuhl said on Thursday that the agency will continue to provide services to Palestinian refugees despite financial difficulties.

"UNRWA will not end its role and stop its services," Krahenbuhl said during a press conference at the headquarters of UNRWA in the Gaza Strip.

Venezuela to use up vaccines in 4 months if U.S. sanctions continue

GENEVA, May 23 (Xinhua) -- Venezuela will run out of vaccines in four months if current blockade led by the United States continues, the country's health minister said on Wednesday.

During the ongoing World Health Assembly in Geneva, Venezuela's Health Minister Carlos Alvarado cited rotavirus vaccines as an example, saying they could run out in four months if the United States insists on its blockade.

He said that since the United States started to impose sanctions against Venezuela in 2014, half of the operating pharmaceutical companies in the country have left.

USA: Phelps honored for honesty on mental health, helping others

BALTIMORE (AP) — While swimming to Olympic glory, Michael Phelps found comfort in the pool and quite a bit of angst out of it.

His bout with depression reached its nadir in 2014 after a second DUI arrest. That’s when the most decorated Olympian of all time checked himself into a rehabilitative center in a desperate effort to make sense of it all.

“When I was in my room and not wanting to talk to anybody for a number of days and not wanting to be alive, I wanted to see what other roads I could take to see if there was help,” Phelps recalled.

USA: Research on children’s health risks in doubt over EPA funds

WASHINGTON (AP) — Long-running research projects credited with pivotal discoveries about the harm that pesticides, air pollution and other hazards pose to children are in jeopardy or shutting down because the Environmental Protection Agency will not commit to their continued funding, researchers say.

The projects being targeted make up a more than $300 million, federally funded program that over the past two decades has exposed dangers to fetuses and children. Those findings have often led to increased pressure on the EPA for tighter regulations.

Redskins recovery methods aim to reduce injuries

ASHBURN, Va. (AP) — Sunglasses shield your eyes from the infrared lights that give oxygen to your body’s cells. Uggs boots, rubber gloves and shorts are the only protection from freezing temperatures as cold as minus 200 degrees. Then comes the sensory deprivation of floating pitch black in 1,000 pounds of Epsom salt while meditation music plays.

And that’s just at work. At home is a custom-made mattress designed to get just the right about of sleep.

Vaccine rates rise on long-wary ‘hippie’ island near Seattle

VASHON ISLAND, Wash. (AP) — Sarah Day is a school nurse with “street cred” when it comes to the polarizing issue of vaccines on an idyllic island in Washington state known for its rural beauty, counterculture lifestyle and low immunization rates.

Since she began communal living on Vashon Island more than 20 years ago, the registered nurse has been advocating for getting kids their shots against a loud contingent of anti-vaccine parents in the close-knit community of about 11,000 that’s accessible only by ferry, a serene 20-minute ride from Seattle.

Turkey’s Red Crescent launches mobile clinics in Syria

AZAZ, 19 May 2019; AA: The Turkish Red Crescent, locally known as Kizilay, launched mobile clinics in northern Syria on Saturday.

The launching ceremony was held in Friendship Refugee Camp in Syria's Azaz district and attended by Red Crescent head Kerem Kinik and deputy governor of Turkey's bordering Kilis province, Hakan Yavuz Erdogan.

Pakistan govt to reform public sector hospitals as per int’l standards: PM

PESHAWAR, May 18 (APP): Prime Minister Imran Khan Saturday said the government had resolved to improve public sector hospitals as per international standards and there was no plan to privatize them.

A handful of doctors were out to sabotage the health reforms undertaken by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, he said while addressing a fund-raising Iftar dinner of Shuakat Khanum Memorial Hospital Peshawar.

Italy mum who killed kids acquitted

(ANSA) - mantua, May 17: A mother who killed her two children in December 2017 was acquitted Friday after a court ruled she was not in her right mind.

The court said 41-year-old Antonella Barbieri was unable to understand what she was doing when she killed five-year-old Lorenzo Zeus at Suzzara near Mantua and two-year-old Kim at Luzzara near Reggio Emilia on December 7 that year.

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