
Colombian leader orders humanitarian convoy to return

BOGOTA, February 24. /TASS/. Colombian Foreign Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo said on Saturday that President Ivan Duque ordered the trucks with humanitarian assistance for Venezuela to return back from the border with Venezuela.

"Measures were taken upon direct instructions by President Duque. Protecting people in the border zone remains the Colombian government’s priority, therefore, the trucks are returning," the minister told reporters in the city of Cucuta on the Colombian-Venezuelan border.

Soldiers unleash tear gas amid tension on Venezuela’s border

CUCUTA, Colombia (AP) — Venezuela’s National Guard fired tear gas on residents clearing a barricaded border bridge between Venezuela and Colombia on Saturday, heightening tensions over blocked humanitarian aid that opposition leader Juan Guaido has vowed to bring into the country over objections from President Nicolas Maduro.

The opposition is calling on masses of Venezuelans to help trucks carrying the nearly 200 metric tons of humanitarian assistance delivered largely by the United States over the last two weeks across several border bridges in Colombia.

US Sen. Marco Rubio warns Venezuelan soldiers to let aid enter

CUCUTA, Colombia (AP) — U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio visited a border staging point for U.S. aid to Venezuela on Sunday and warned soldiers loyal to socialist President Nicolas Maduro that it will be a “crime against humanity” if they block entry of the goods that are being channeled through Maduro’s rivals.

Colombia's ELN rebels claim police academy terror attack

21 Jan 2019; AFP: Colombia's leftist ELN rebels claimed responsibility on Monday for the bombing of a police academy in Bogota that killed 20 people as well as the attacker, and derailed peace talks being held in Havana.

The National Liberation Army said Thursday's car bombing, which sparked nationwide protests, was a reprisal attack after the government of President Ivan Duque failed to respect a unilateral ceasefire declared by the rebels over Christmas.

Colombia seeks arrest of terrorist leaders after bombing

19 Jan 2019; DW: Colombian President Ivan Duque announced on Friday that he was reinstating the arrest warrants of 10 National Liberation Army (ELN) members after his government accused the group of being responsible for a car bombing in a Bogota police academy.

The attack on Thursday, which left 21 people dead and dozens wounded, has been a major setback to two years of peace talk attempts between the Colombian government and the ELN.

Death toll from Colombian car bomb blast climbs to 21

BOGOTA, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- The death toll from a car bomb blast outside a police academy here on Thursday morning has climbed to 21, Colombian police said late Thursday.

The blast at the General Santander Police Academy in southern Bogota left 68 people wounded, 58 of whom had been discharged from the hospital, reported Agence France-Presse, citing a statement from the Colombian police.

Colombia: Ivan Duque sworn in as new president

7 Aug 2018; DW: Ivan Duque has been sworn in as Colombia's president. He is the youngest man to ever hold the office. As a protege of former presdident Uriibe, analysts wonder how much of his own man he will be.

Ivan Duque has been sworn in as Colombia's president. He is the youngest man to ever hold the office. As a protege of former presdident Uriibe, analysts wonder how much of his own man he will be.

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