
French police officers hold “anger march” over pay, suicides

PARIS, Oct 3 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Thousands of French police officers marched in the streets of Paris on Wednesday, protesting against poor working conditions they say have led to dozens of suicides among their ranks since the beginning of the year.

They also denounced what they described as a rising anti-police sentiment in the wake of the “Yellow Vest” violent protest movements, during which some officers have been accused of using excessive force.

Putin-Trump talk transcripts can be released only if mutually agreed — Kremlin

PARIS, September 30. /TASS/: Transcripts of conversations between Russian and US Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump can be made public only if both sides agree to do so, and should such proposals be put forward by Washington, Moscow is willing to discuss them, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

Kremlin does not like PACE decision to debates on rallies in Moscow

PARIS, September 30. /TASS/: Russia is prepared to provide answers to the PACE’s constructive questions concerning rallies in Moscow, although it does not like the decision to hold debates on this subject.

"We do not like Russia’s internal affairs being discussed elsewhere. We believe it is exclusively our internal affair," Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the media.

Dozens arrested in Paris 'yellow vest' protests

21 September 2019; AFP: Dozens of demonstrators were arrested at yellow vest protests in Paris on Saturday as more than 7,000 police were deployed to quell any violence by the movement and its radical, anarchist "black blocs".

There were also fears that the demonstrators could try to infiltrate a march against climate change in the French capital.

Thousands of Paris police deployed over ‘yellow vest’ clash fears

PARIS, Sept 21 (NNN-AGENCIES) — More than 7,000 police officers are to be deployed for rallies in Paris on Saturday over fears that yellow vest protesters and their radical, anarchist “black blocs” could try to infiltrate a march against climate change in the French capital.

The yellow vest movement erupted 10 months ago and blindsided President Emmanuel Macron, who protesters accused of being out of touch with the needs of ordinary French people.

EU Council will be too late to negotiate Brexit deal: French source

PARIS/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Time to agree a Brexit deal is running out and it will be too late for European leaders to iron out a deal at a European Council meeting in Brussels in mid-October, a French diplomatic source said on Thursday.

The French warning comes after President Emmanuel Macron met the Finnish prime minister in Paris on Wednesday.

“The idea was to say that time is running out and that we won’t be negotiating directly at the European Council in mid-October,” the source said.

France wants facts before commenting on Saudi attack - foreign ministry

PARIS (Reuters) - France will not rush into commenting on who was behind an attack on Saudi oil installations, a foreign ministry spokeswoman said on Wednesday.

Asked in an online briefing whether Paris considered the Saudi and US analysis that Iran was behind the attack to be credible, the spokeswoman responded: “We share the desire to carefully establish the facts before making any reaction.”

Earlier in the day, French President Emmanuel Macron’s office said Paris would send experts to Saudi Arabia to help with investigations into the attack.

French police begin to clear migrants sheltered at Dunkirk gym

PARIS, Sept 18 (NNN-AGENCIES) — French police are clearing nearly 1,000 migrants from a gymnasium near the northern port city of Dunkirk after a court ruled it was a health and security hazard.

The mayor of Grande-Synthe, a suburb of Dunkirk, last December opened up the sports hall to migrant families seeking shelter from the cold.

Since then, it has grown into a makeshift camp with approximately 800 people sleeping in tents pitched around the cramped gymnasium where some 170 people, mostly Iraqi Kurds hoping to reach the United Kingdom, had taken shelter.

EU chief: The risk of a no-deal Brexit “remains very real”

STRASBOURG, France (AP) — The risk of Britain leaving the European Union without a divorce deal remains “very real,” European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker declared Wednesday as EU lawmakers debated the ramifications of a no-deal Brexit.

Speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, Juncker, who met with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday, said a no-deal Brexit “might be the choice of the U.K., but it will never be ours.”

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