New York

UNICEF rings alarm over lack of life-saving vaccines for children

UNITED NATIONS, April 24 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) on Friday warned that millions of children are in danger of missing life-saving vaccines against measles, diphtheria and polio due to disruptions in immunization services caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

USA: Bloomberg moves past presidential defeat with virus crusade

NEW YORK (AP) — Nearly two months after an embarrassing end to his presidential campaign, Mike Bloomberg is again deploying his massive personal fortune – this time to combat the coronavirus.

The billionaire former New York City mayor is spending tens of millions of dollars to bolster social services, feed first responders and help local officials trace the spread of the coronavirus in the city that has become the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States.

Key UN forum calls for addressing coronavirus-hit developing nations’ debt burden; welcomes Imran’s initiative

UNITED NATIONS, Apr 24 (APP): An important United Nations forum Thursday called for addressing the debt burden threatening the economic collapse of coronavirus-hit developing countries, as UN leaders underlined the call by Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan for a global initiative for debt relief.

Coronavirus came to New York from Europe, not China: governor

(Reuters) - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Friday that strains of the novel coronavirus that first infected his state’s residents came from Europe, not China, and that the ban on travelers from China came too late to halt its spread.

“We closed the front door with the China travel ban, which was right, but we left the back door open,” Cuomo told a daily briefing.

IMF: The world will experience worst recession since the 1930s

24 April 2020; MEMO: In 2020, the world economy will experience its worst recession since the Great Depression, surpassing that seen during the global financial crisis a decade ago, Gita Gopinath, the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) chief economist, said in the latest World Economic Outlook report.

According to the IMF, the global economy is expected to contract by three per cent in 2020.

Virus pushes US unemployment toward highest since Depression

NEW YORK (AP) — Unemployment in the U.S. is swelling to levels last seen during the Great Depression of the 1930s, with 1 in 6 American workers thrown out of a job by the coronavirus, according to new data released Thursday. In response to the deepening economic crisis, the House passed a nearly $500 billion spending package to help buckled businesses and hospitals.

UN Chief extends ‘warmest wishes’ to muslims on Ramazan’s eve

UNITED NATIONS, Apr 23 (APP): In his message to Muslims around the world who will be observing the holy month of Ramazan amid the coronavirus pandemic, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said the Islamic tradition of hospitality and generosity was a remarkable lesson at a time when people in conflict zones and vulnerable populations face dire consequences

Poll signals strengthening support for Biden over Trump in three Midwest battleground states

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Republican President Donald Trump trails Democrat Joe Biden among registered voters in three Midwestern battleground states that he narrowly carried in 2016 and are seen as crucial to winning November’s election, according to an Ipsos public opinion poll conducted exclusively for Reuters.

The poll, which ran from April 15-20 in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, showed 45% of registered voters said they would support Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, while 39% said they would support Trump.

Trump campaign tests lines of attack to define Biden

NEW YORK (AP) — Air Force One is mostly grounded. Fundraisers are canceled. And the closest thing to a campaign rally is President Donald Trump’s nightly coronavirus briefing.

The president’s reelection campaign has been thoroughly upended by the coronavirus. But Trump’s team has revived a plan to quickly define Joe Biden, painting the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee as a Washington lifer, focusing on his links to China and insinuating that he is not up to the job.

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