Human Rights

Belgium: Criminal complaint filed in over police use of force at pro-Palestine protest

30 May 2024; MEMO: A criminal complaint was lodged, Thursday, in Belgium because of the severe police intervention at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in front of the Israeli Embassy in Brussels, according to the country’s official news agency, Anadolu Agency reports.

The 28 May protest saw demonstrators advocating for Palestinian rights and condemning the recent attacks in Rafah.

Protests as French channel hosts Israel PM Netanyahu

31 May 2024; MEMO: Hundreds of demonstrators rallied late yesterday outside the offices of private broadcaster TF1 in the western Paris suburbs to protest the broadcast of an interview with the Israeli occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the Gaza war.

Wearing keffiyehs and waving Palestinian flags, protesters gathered at a distance from the channel’s building due to a heavy police presence, and chanted: “Gaza, Paris is with you,” “immediate ceasefire!” and “Israel, murderer.”

British coffee chain Pret cancels plans to open in Israel

03 June 2024; MEMO: British coffee chain Pret A Manger has cancelled plans to open in Israel due to the ongoing war on the Gaza Strip.

Pret had announced last year plans to open its first outlet in Tel Aviv by the end of 2024 and establish more than 40 branches in the apartheid state over the next ten years.

UN Experts Urge All Countries To Recognise Palestinian State

GENEVA, Jun 4 (NNN-XINHUA) – Over 20 experts and special rapporteurs of the United Nations (UN), called yesterday, for all countries to recognise a Palestinian state.

In their statement, the experts and special rapporteurs emphasised that, all states should follow the example set by over 140 UN member states, in recognising Palestine. They urged countries to utilise all political and diplomatic means to facilitate an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Netanyahu, you will meet Hitler's fate says Erdogan

28 May 2024; MEMO: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has condemned Israel’s actions in Rafah, calling them “a revelation of the ugly face of a terrorist state.” He asserted that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his associates will not escape punishment and will meet the same fate as Adolf Hitler and other war criminals.

Israel: Cut the supply line of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, says rights group

28 May 2024; MEMO: With the aim of “genocide prevention by third states, companies and civil society actors” in Gaza, the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO) has released a detailed report exposing corporate and state actors that are supplying jet fuel to the Israeli military and examines the legal ramifications of their actions.

‘Back to Nazi roots’: Jewish activist decries Germany’s ‘frightening’ crackdown on pro-Palestine voices

29 May 2024; MEMO: Germany’s aggressive crackdown on pro-Palestine voices is targeting everyone, including members of the Jewish community who are speaking out against Israel’s atrocities in Gaza, according to a leading member of a Jewish advocacy group, Anadolu Agency reports.

Irish FM: EU discuss imposing sanction on Israel for the first time

29 May 2024; MEMO: Irish Foreign Minister, Micheál Martin, announced yesterday that European Union foreign ministers have held a “significant” discussion for the first time on imposing sanctions on Israel if it fails to adhere to international humanitarian law.

“There was a very clear consensus about the need to uphold the international humanitarian legal institutions,” Martin told reporters following the Foreign Affairs Council.

Danish uni withdraws investments from Israeli settlements

29 May 2024; MEMO: Denmark’s University of Copenhagen yesterday said it would “cease investing in Israeli companies conducting business in the occupied West Bank.”

The university campus has witnessed student protests calling on it to divest and urging for a ceasefire in Gaza since early May.

The university’s students demand “severing its academic relations with Israel, and to withdraw its investments from companies operating in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

UN is moving to blacklist Israel: Channel 13

29 May 2024; MEMO: Israel’s Channel 13 said yesterday that an imminent UN resolution is being prepared that will condemn the occupying state and consider the Israeli occupation army “an organisation that kills children,” stressing that there series of discussions are taking place in the Netanyahu government to respond to it. This comes at a time when Washington confirmed that it fears the expansion of Israel’s international isolation.

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