
Zarif, Maduro discuss bilateral ties

Tehran, July 21, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro reviewed bilateral relations and issues of mutual interests.

Zarif arrived in Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela on Saturday to attend Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) foreign ministers' meeting.

Earlier, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said Zarif is scheduled to hold talks with Venezuelan officials including Foreign Minister and speaker of Venezuela's parliament.

Russian deputy foreign minister meets with Venezuelan leader in Caracas

CARACAS, July 21. /TASS/: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said he met with Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro during his visit to Caracas on Saturday.

"We had the honor to be received by President Nicolas Maduro," Ryabkov told reporters after the talks.

Venezuelan authorities will not give in to outside pressure at Barbados talks — Maduro

CARACAS, July 20. /TASS/: The Venezuelan government will not allow the United States and European Union to influence the outcomes of talks with the opposition, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Friday.

"Venezuela will not give in to blackmail from the side of the US and EU," Maduro said in a speech broadcast on Periscope.

"Agreements that will be reached at Barbados talks will be absolutely sovereign," he added.

The Venezuelan president that the government's delegation has already returned from Barbados after a round of talks with the opposition.

Venezuela: Juan Guaido's bodyguards arrested

14 July 2019; DW: Two members of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido's security team have been arrested for allegedly trying to sell guns. There is no indication that the arrest will affect ongoing negotiations with the government.

Two of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido's bodyguards were arrested in Caracas on Saturday, the country's socialist government said.

Venezuela signs agreement with large Russian company — minister

CARACAS, July 13. /TASS/: The Venezuelan authorities have signed an agreement with one of the largest Russian industrial enterprises, Minister of Industries and National Production Tareck El Aissami said on Friday.

"We have signed an agreement with a large company in Russia," El Aissami told a conference in a speech broadcast live on Venezolana de Television. The minister did not elaborate on the agreement.

He added that Venezuela is in talks with two large automobile manufacturers in China.

Venezuelan authorities say Barbados talks with opposition proceeding well

CARACAS, July 11. /TASS/: Talks between the Venezuelan government and opposition in Barbados are proceeding well, Minister of Communications and Information Jorge Rodriguez said on Wednesday.

"Another day at the negotiations table in Barbados is over. Disagreements are resolved by constitutional and peaceful means. Successful exchange of opinions is carried out with the mediation by the Norwegian government," Rodriguez wrote on his official Twitter account.

He also noted that the Venezuelan authorities want to "thank Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley for hospitality."

Maduro says he is hopeful about Barbados talks with Venezuelan opposition

CARACAS, July 9. /TASS/: The new stage of negotiations between the Venezuelan authorities and opposition in Barbados may result in some new agreements, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Monday.

"I have received a report from the head of our delegation about the negotiations process that had kicked off in Barbados. This report makes me hopeful," Maduro told a press conference broadcast live on Periscope.

Venezuela's Guaido announces fresh talks with Maduro

8 July 2019; DW: Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido on Sunday announced fresh talks with the government of President Nicolas Maduro.

Guaido, who declared himself acting president earlier this year, said the Norway-brokered talks aim "to establish a negotiation on the end of the dictatorship," referring to Maduro's regime.

Venezuela urges UN to intervene against U.S. sanctions

CARACAS, July 5 (Xinhua) -- Venezuela on Friday urged the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, to intervene against the U.S. trade and financial sanctions which are undermining Venezuela's economy.

Addressing a session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, Venezuelan Vice Foreign Minister William Castillo said the sanctions met the body's definition of "unilateral coercive measures" and should be lifted, according to the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry.

Venezuela condemns new U.S. sanctions

CARACAS, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Venezuela on Friday strongly condemned new sanctions imposed by the United States against Venezuelan government officials.

In a statement, the Venezuelan government said the latest round of sanctions represented Washington's "systematic use of unilateral and illegal coercive measures" to impose its political will on another country.

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