
Rights group begins legal action after Israel park bans Palestinians

2 July 2019; MEMO: The Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel – better known as Adalah – has begun legal action against the northern Israeli city of Afula, after it banned non-residents from using a local park in a bid to prevent Palestinian citizens of Israel from using the facility.

Germany's AKK travels to Israel in first overseas visit as CDU leader

1 July 2019; DW: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, the leader of Germany's Christian Democratic Union (CDU), kicked off her first visit to Israel on Monday by addressing tensions with Iran and urging for more defense spending in Germany.

Speaking at a security conference in the city of Herzliya, she defended the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, saying that the world has not yet found a more suitable way to curb Iran's nuclear program.

Israel's Ehud Barak returns to politics with new party

27 June 2019; DW: Ehud Barak, a former Israeli premier and outspoken critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on Wednesday announced his return to politics with a new party that has yet to be named.

Barak, who is considered one of the most decorated Israeli soldiers, warned that Israel had "never experienced such dark days."

Netanyahu may try to avoid new elections in light of poor polling data

25 June 2019; MEMO: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may seek to avoid fresh elections currently scheduled for September, in light of poor performances in recent polling, reported Ynet.

According to the article, “Likud sources” say Netanyahu has polling data showing that the new elections would “leave him in worse political shape than today”.

The September elections were called after Netanyahu was unable to form a coalition majority after April’s vote.

Trump looking forward to meeting with Putin in Osaka, Bolton says

TEL AVIV, June 23. /TASS/: US President Donald Trump is looking forward to meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit in Japan’s Osaka, US National Security Adviser John Bolton said at a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem on Sunday.

"President Trump looks forward to meeting with President Putin at the upcoming G20 summit in Osaka, Japan," Bolton said.

‘Israel does not want peace’, former Mossad chief says

22 June 2019; MEMO: The former chief of Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad, Shabtai Shavit, has said that Israel does not want peace and that, if it had, it would have made peace with the Palestinian Authority (PA) long ago.

Shavit gave his remarks to Israeli daily Maariv, reiterating that if Israel wanted peace it would have discussed it in economic and infrastructure terms that serve the interests of both parties, Arab 48 reported yesterday.

Israel to cut $223bn from ministries’ budgets to pay for defence ministry

19 June 2019; MEMO: Israeli government is to cut 800 billion shekels ($221.7 billion) from the budgets of its ministries and transfer the funds to the Ministry of Defence, Channel 2 reported yesterday.

According to an Israeli defence institute, the defence ministry needs money to continue building the separation wall along the eastern side of the Gaza Strip.

Israel minister’s draft bill: 3 years jailtime for supporting PA activity in Jerusalem

18 June 2019; MEMO: Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan has “proposed a new bill that would impose a maximum sentence of up to three years in prison for those who sponsor, finance, support or organise activities for the Palestinian Authority (PA)” in occupied East Jerusalem, reported Asharq Al-Awsat.

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