
Israeli gov't inaugurates settlement in occupied Golan Heights to honor Trump

JERUSALEM, June 16 (Xinhua) -- Israel's government inaugurated on Sunday a new settlement in the annexed Golan Heights named after the country's close ally, U.S. President Donald Trump.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unveiled a sign with the name of the settlement, Ramat Trump, or "Trump Heights," in Hebrew.

The ceremony was held as part of a special cabinet meeting at the site, attended by senior ministers, officials with the Golan Heights regional council, and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman.

Israel PM's wife Sara Netanyahu convicted of fraud

16 June 2019; AFP: An Israeli court Sunday convicted the wife of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of fraudulently using state funds for meals, under a plea bargain which saw her admit to lesser charges.

Sara Netanyahu was found guilty of exploiting the mistake of another person and ordered to pay a fine and compensation, in a deal approved by Jerusalem magistrates' court justice Avital Chen.

550 Palestinians to be homeless after Israel demolishes entire Jerusalem neighbourhood

14 June 2019; MEMO: Israeli authorities are pressing ahead with plans to demolish an entire Palestinian neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, human rights NGO B’Tselem reported, which will leave 550 homeless.

Wadi Yasul, located between the neighbourhoods of Abu Tur and Silwan, is home to 72 Palestinian families.

According to B’Tselem, the Jerusalem Municipality has “issued demolition orders for all the neighbourhood homes so all the families there are facing the threat of expulsion.”

Orthodox Church rejects Israel court over Jerusalem property sales

13 June 2019; MEMO: The Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem yesterday rejected an Israeli Supreme Court ruling against an appeal it filed to annul the sale of a property agreed in 2004.

The deal is related to the church’s property in Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem as well as the Muslim Quarter in the occupied holy city.

Israel arrests head of Al-Aqsa’s construction department

13 June 2019; MEMO: Israeli police this morning arrested the director of the restoration and reconstruction department of the Islamic Waqf, which cares for the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem.

Bassam Al-Hallaq was detained along with Taha Oweidah, an engineer, and Mohammad Hidra, a member of the compound’s staff.

Israel strikes Gaza after first rocket since early May

Jerusalem, Jun 13 (AFP) Israeli warplanes bombed bunkers at a Hamas base in Gaza early Thursday following the first rocket fire from the territory since early May, the military said.

Israeli aircraft targeted "underground infrastructure" at the base in the southern Gaza Strip, it said in a statement.

The strike came after Israeli air defences intercepted a rocket launched from the territory, the first since hundreds were fired in early May in a two-day flare-up which killed four Israelis and 25 Palestinians.

Israeli PM's wife signs plea deal over meal fraud case

JERUSALEM, June 12 (Xinhua) -- Israeli prime minister's wife Sara Netanyahu signed a plea bargain on Wednesday over allegedly misusing state funds to order gourmet meals, the State Attorney's Office said.

Under the deal, Sara Netanyahu will admit lesser charges and be convicted of receiving something by intentionally exploiting another person's mistake. She will repay 45,000 shekels (12, 573 U.S. dollars) and pay a fine of 10,000 shekels (2,794 dollars), Israel Radio reported.

The deal will be presented before judge on Sunday at the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court.

Radioactive material leaked from Israel’s nuclear reactor several times

12 June 2019; MEMO: A Israeli court heard yesterday that radioactive material has leaked from the Dimona nuclear reactor several times since it was built, Arab48 reported.

This was revealed during a case against the reactor filed by a former worker who is battling cancer.

According to the Israeli general radio, the reactor recognised the leaks after workers complained; no further details were given.

Sick Gaza child caught in Israeli permit regime dies alone

JERUSALEM (AP) — When Palestinian preschooler Aisha a-Lulu came out of brain surgery in a strange Jerusalem hospital room, she called out for her mother and father. She repeated the cry over and over, but her parents never came.

Instead of a family member, Israeli authorities had approved a stranger to escort Aisha from the blockaded Gaza Strip to the east Jerusalem hospital. As her condition deteriorated, the child was returned to Gaza unconscious. One week later, she was dead.

Likud activists say Netanyahu’s time is at an end

12 June 2019; MEMO: Activists within the ruling Likud in Israel have filed a petition calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Election Commission to organise primary elections for the party, reported on Tuesday. Ori Peretz wrote in the petition that, according to the Likud constitution, once the Knesset was dissolved and a new General Election was decided upon, there must be primary elections for choosing the party’s president and parliamentary candidates.

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