
Turkey-Saudi trade expected to return to normal soon

27 April 2022; MEMO: The Council of Saudi Chambers of Commerce expected the kingdom's imports from Turkiye to increase in the near future, in the latest sign of the steady improvement of relations between two of the largest Islamic countries.

Sources in the Council of Chambers of Commerce, who requested to remain anonymous, told Anadolu Agency today that the import of Turkish goods by merchants will return to normal at an accelerated rate, as soon as the official announcement of the return of relations.

Turkish opposition vows to overturn sentences against Kavala, others

ISTANBUL, April 26 (Reuters) - Turkish opposition leaders vowed to overturn jail sentences against philanthropist Osman Kavala and seven others convicted at the end of a case that lawyers said showed courts had become the government's "vehicle for revenge."

Kavala was sentenced to life in prison without parole, while seven others got 18 years based on claims they organised and financed nationwide protests in 2013, charges from which they were acquitted two years ago. 

Turkey: Erdogan urges Putin for leaders' summit to solve Ukrainian crisis

ANKARA, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday once again urged his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to hold a summit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

During a phone talk, Erdogan told Putin that the "continuation of the positive momentum achieved in the Istanbul talks" to reach peace in Ukraine is in the interest of everyone, the Turkish presidential press service said in a statement.

Russia’s war heats up cooking oil prices in global squeeze

ISTANBUL (AP) — For months, Istanbul restaurant Tarihi Balikca tried to absorb the surging cost of the sunflower oil its cooks use to fry fish, squid and mussels.

But in early April, with oil prices nearly four times higher than they were in 2019, the restaurant finally raised its prices. Now, even some longtime customers look at the menu and walk away.

Turkey to provide financial aid to refugees to settle in Northern Syria 'safe zone'

25 April 2022; MEMO: Turkiye is reportedly set to provide financial aid for Syrians who voluntarily return to their country, as the Turkish government continues to search for solutions to the presence of millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey, a decade on.

According to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, Ankara has plans to provide transportation, shelter, and humanitarian aid to any Syrian refugees who voluntarily accept to settle in 'safe zones' that Turkiye has cleared of Kurdish militant groups in northern Syria in recent years.

Turkiye rejects US' commemoration of 107th anniversary of 'Armenian genocide'

25 April 2022; MEMO: The Turkish Foreign Ministry yesterday rejected US President Joe Biden's commemoration of the 107th anniversary of the Armenian genocide when 1.5 million Armenians were killed in World War I during the era of the Ottoman Empire.

"We reject such statements and decisions to distort historical facts for political motives, and we condemn those who insist on this mistake," the Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement, adding that Biden has repeated the same mistake he made last year.

Turkish air space closed to planes carrying troops from Russia to Syria

24 April 2022; MEMO: Turkish air space has been closed to military and civilian planes carrying troops from Russia to Syria after consultation with Moscow, Turkey's state broadcaster TRT Haber cited Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu as saying on Saturday.

Reuters reported that NATO member Turkey has good relations with both Russia and Ukraine and has sought to mediate in the war between them.

At Least 45 PKK Members Killed In Turkey’s New Cross-Border Operation In N. Iraq

ISTANBUL, Apr 23 (NNN-ANADOLU) – At least 45 members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) have been killed, during Turkey’s new ground and air cross-border operation in northern Iraq, said Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, yesterday.

The operation also killed three Turkish soldiers, added Erdogan.

The “destruction of caves and other critical targets” in the region is still underway, the president noted, hoping that the operation will be “successfully completed with minimum loss.”

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