‘OK’ hand gesture, ‘Bowlcut’ added to hate symbols database

COLLEGE PARK, Md. (AP) — The “OK” hand gesture, a mass killer’s bowl-style haircut and an anthropomorphic moon wearing sunglasses are among 36 new entries in a Jewish civil rights group’s online database of hate symbols used by white supremacists and other far-right extremists.

The Anti-Defamation League has added the symbols to its online “Hate on Display” database , which already includes burning crosses, Ku Klux Klan robes, the swastika and many other of the most notorious and overt symbols of racism and anti-Semitism.

Trump condemns religious persecution amid refugee squeeze

NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump said at the United Nations this week that “protecting religious freedom is one of my highest priorities.” But his promise rings hollow to advocates for persecuted religious minorities seeking refuge in the United States.

Trump’s administration already has slashed the nation’s refugee admissions ceiling to a historic low and on Thursday proposed a further cut for next year, to 18,000 — an 84% drop from the cap proposed during the last year of Barack Obama’s presidency.

Abbas slams US for ‘depriving peace process of credibility’

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas took to the world stage on Thursday to slam the United States for “depriving the peace process of any credibility” and undermining prospects for a two-state solution to the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In a speech before the U.N. General Assembly, Abbas also criticized the U.S. for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, for saying that Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories are legitimate and for cutting development aid to the Palestinians.

Whistleblower accuses White House of Ukraine call cover-up

WASHINGTON (AP) — White House officials took extraordinary steps to “lock down” information about President Donald Trump’s summertime phone call with the president of Ukraine, even moving the transcript to a secret computer system, a whistleblower alleges in a politically explosive complaint that accuses the administration of a wide-ranging cover-up.

New York’s iconic Times Square flashes with ‘Stand with Kashmir’ slogans

NEW YORK, Sep 26 (APP): Digital billboards at the iconic Times Square in New York flashed with the slogans of ‘Stand with Kashmir’ and ‘Free Kashmir’ to highlight the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Indian occupied valley at a time when the world leaders are in the metropolitan to attend the 74th session of UN General Assembly.

Bursts of bright red light-emitting phrases in favour of Kashmiris, caught the attention
of hundreds of visitors and international tourists, who got an awareness about the ongoing atrocities in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Russia to assist start of negotiations between US and Taliban movement

UNITED NATIONS, September 26. /TASS/: Moscow will take efforts to assist the quickest resumption of talks between representatives of the United States and the Taliban radical movement (outlawed in Russia), Russia’s Special Presidential Envoy for Afghanistan, Director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s Second Asian Department Zamir Kabulov said on Thursday.

The continued occupation of Palestine is a moral tragedy: Jordan

26 Sep 2019; MEMO: King Abdullah II of Jordan has called the continued occupation of Palestine and the expansion of Israeli settlements a moral tragedy, saying it is his duty to protect Jerusalem from religious and political repression.

In his address to the 74th session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly earlier this week, the king highlighted the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the occupation of Palestinian territory which perpetuates it.

Indian PM Modi announces $150 mn LoC to Pacific island nations

New York, Sep 24; GANASHAKTI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced a USD 150 million line of credit to the group of  Pacific island nations for undertaking solar, renewable energy and climate related projects based on their requirement.

Modi, who attended the India-Pacific Islands Developing States (PSIDS) Leaders' Meeting, also announced a total allocation of USD 12 million to the member states towards implementation of high impact developmental project in the area of their choice.

Parties to Iran nuclear deal pledge to preserve accord

UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- Parties to an international agreement on Iran's nuclear program pledged on Wednesday to continue efforts to preserve the July 2015 deal.

In a joint statement after their meeting in New York on Wednesday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, ministers from Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and Iran "confirmed their determination to continue all efforts to preserve the agreement, which is in the interests of all."

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