Deadliest terror attack on journalists in US

29 June 2018; Five people have been killed and many are injured after a suspect gunman, named Jarrod Ramos by police, opened fire at the Capital Gazette newspaper office, in Annapolis, Maryland.

The people killed include the assistant news editor Rob Hiaasen.

Gazette is one of the oldest newspapers in the United States.

USA withdraws from UN Human Rights Council

Washington; June 19, 2018-06-20

The United States withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday over what it called a “chronic bias against Israel” and a “lack of reform”, a move activists warned would make advancing human rights globally even more difficult.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the US decision.

Trump orders Pentagon to create a ‘space force’, ensure American dominance

PTI Washington; Jun 18, 2018 23:01 IST

President Donald Trump on Monday ordered the Pentagon to create a new US “space force,” which would become the sixth branch of the American military and would ensure “American dominance” in space.

“I’m hereby directing the Department of Defense and Pentagon to immediately begin the process necessary to establish a space force as the sixth branch of the armed forces,” Trump said.

“We are going to have the Air Force, and we are going to have the space force, separate but equal,” he added.

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