Human Rights

Israel backs deportation of Human Rights Watch director

17 Apr 2019; DW: Human Rights Watch has accused Israel of using a 2017 anti-boycott law to silence criticism of the occupation of Palestinian territories. A Jerusalem court ruled the watchdog official supported boycotts against Israel.

The Israeli Justice Ministry on Tuesday said Omar Shakir, the director of Human Right Watch's Israel office, must leave the country by May 1 after he lost an appeal against a deportation order.

Ecuador: Assange supporters clash with police

17 Apr 2019; DW: Hundreds of protesters hit the streets in the Ecuadorian capital of Quito on Tuesday to object to the treatment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Assange spent seven years under the protection of the Ecuadorian government, but this ended last week when British police were invited into the London embassy, his long-time home, to arrest the whistleblower.

What you need to know:

India: Vanzara's plea in Ishrat case: Order likely on April 29

Ahmedabad, Apr 16 (PTI) A special court here is likely to pass an order on April 29 on the applications of former police officers D G Vanzara and N K Amin seeking quashing of proceedings against them in the Ishrat Jahan alleged fake encounter case.

The arguments by the lawyers of the two officers and advocate Vrinda Grover who appeared for Ishrat's mother Shamima Kauser concluded Tuesday before special judge for CBI cases J K Pandya.

Kauser has opposed the applications. The Gujarat government has denied sanction for the prosecution of Vanzara and Amin.

Palestinians call for int'l support to prisoners in Israeli jails

RAMALLAH, April 17 (Xinhua) -- Palestinians marked the national prisoners' day on Wednesday, expressing support to Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

The Palestinians called for international support to prisoners who face ill treatment and inhumane incarceration conditions.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry urged the High Contracting Parties to the four Geneva conventions to shoulder their legal responsibility and honor their obligation under the international law to provide the Palestinians, especially children, with protection.

Trump vetoes measure to end US involvement in Yemen war

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump vetoed a resolution passed by Congress to end U.S. military assistance in Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen.

The veto — the second in Trump’s presidency — was expected, and Congress lacks the votes to override it. But passing the never-before-used war powers resolution was viewed as a milestone for lawmakers, who have shown a renewed willingness to assert their war-making authority after letting it atrophy for decades under presidents from both parties.

India: Fake News - Abhinandan Varthaman voted for BJP

15 Apr 2019; Alt News: A viral post on Facebook claims that Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman has openly come out in support of the BJP and voted for the party in the ongoing Lok Sabha election. The post has a photograph of a person who looks similar to Wing Commander Varthaman, and is seen sporting a saffron scarf with the BJP symbol imprinted on it.

Over 1,300 refugees leave Syria’s Rukban camp in past day

MOSCOW, April 15. /TASS/. More than 1,300 refugees have left the Syrian refugee camp Rukban, located within the US-controlled area, via the safe exit, Major General Viktor Kupchishin, chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Parties in Syria, said.

"During the day, as many as 1,358 refugees managed to leave the Rukban camp via the humanitarian corridor. In all, a total of 3,642 people have left the Rukban camp for the territory controlled by the Syrian authorities since February 19, 2019," he said.

Venezuela slams "criminal impact" of U.S. sanctions

CARACAS, April 14 (Xinhua) -- The Venezuelan government on Sunday denounced the U.S. sanctions targeting its state-owned oil company PDVSA for the "criminal impact" on the Venezuelan people.

The sanctions blocked the country's access to oil revenues and its ability to pay for key social and health programs, the government said in a statement.

The sanctions "prevent the implementation of humanitarian aid programs for particularly difficult health cases," such as cancer, Parkinson's, epilepsy, and liver and bone marrow transplants, according to the statement.

Palestinians reject Pompeo's irresponsible remarks on Israeli settlements

RAMALLAH, April 14 (Xinhua) -- The Palestinians rejected on Sunday statements by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories, official WAFA news agency reported.

"All types of settlements on Palestinian soil occupied by Israel in 1967 are illegal in accordance with the international legitimacy," Nabil Abu Rudeineh, a spokesman for the Palestinian presidency, was quoted by WAFA as saying.

Conresswoman Omar cites death threats, says Trump must not encourage them

WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. Ilhan Omar says she’s faced increased death threats since President Donald Trump spread around a video that purports to show her being dismissive of the 2001 terrorist attacks. “This is endangering lives,” she said, accusing Trump of fomenting right-wing extremism. “It has to stop.”

Her statement late Sunday followed an announcement by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that she has taken steps to ensure the safety of the Minnesota Democrat and the speaker’s call for Trump to take down the video.

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