
Only Russia can show specific achievements in small nuclear power plants — Rosatom CEO

ST. PETERSBURG, October 20. /TASS/: Low-power nuclear reactors and small compact nuclear power plants have become one of the major trends in modern world energy, and only Russia can present concrete achievements in the form of projects that are currently being implemented in this area, according to Rosatom CEO Alexey Likhachev.

Russian, Azerbaijani top diplomats discuss 3+3 format on South Caucasus

MOSCOW, October 20./TASS/:  Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov discussed the activity of the 3+3 consultative regional platform on the South Caucasus during a telephone call, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

"The foreign ministers discussed key issues of bilateral relations, along with the regional and international agenda," the Foreign Ministry said. The two diplomats also "got on the same page regarding the activities of the 3+3 consultative regional platform," it added.

Kremlin: unacceptable for Biden to compare Putin to Hamas: Russia

MOSCOW, Oct 20 (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Friday that remarks by U.S. President Joe Biden comparing Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Palestinian militant group Hamas were "unacceptable".

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters the current moment was a potentially dangerous one, and that the threat to Russian citizens would grow exponentially once Israel started its expected ground operation in Gaza.

Russia extends detention of a US journalist detained for failing to register as a foreign agent

(AP) --- A Russian-American journalist was ordered Friday to be detained for another three days on charges of failing to register as a foreign agent, Russian media reported.

Alsu Kurmasheva, an editor for the U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, appeared in court in the central Russian city of Kazan, according to the state news agency Tass.

She is the second U.S. journalist detained in Russia this year, after Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was arrested on espionage charges in March.

Russian air defenses down Su-25 attack plane, Mi-8 combat helicopter in Ukraine operation

MOSCOW, October 19. /TASS/: Russian air defense forces shot down a Ukrainian Su-25 ground attack plane and a Mi-8 combat helicopter over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Thursday.

"Air defense capabilities shot down a Ukrainian Air Force Su-25 attack plane near the city of Dnepropetrovsk and a Mi-8 helicopter near the settlement of Zagryzovo in the Kharkov Region," the ministry said in a statement.

Fair global trade impossible without changing West’s status quo — Russian PM

MOSCOW, October 19. /TASS/: The West is seeking after establishing control over the global economy but the majority of countries understand that qualitative development is impossible in such conditions, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin said at the Made in Russia 2023 International Export Forum.

Fierce competition is underway in the world for the technology leadership and "for control over the global economy, in the first instance from the side of Western financial institutions," the Prime Minister noted.

Russia says sending 27 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Gaza

MOSCOW, Oct 19 (NNN-AGENCIES) — Russia on Thursday sent 27 tonnes of humanitarian aid for civilians in the Gaza Strip to be transported from Egypt, Moscow’s emergency situations ministry said.

“A special plane has taken off from the airport at Ramenskoye near Moscow for El-Arish in Egypt. The Russian humanitarian aid will be handed over to the Egyptian Red Crescent to be sent to the Gaza Strip,” deputy minister Ilya Denisov said in a statement.

Denisov said the aid comprised “wheat, sugar, rice (and) pasta”.

Russia: State Duma passes law on withdrawal of CTBT ratification

MOSCOW, October 16. /TASS/: The State Duma has adopted a law on the withdrawal of Russia’s ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

The document cancels Article 1 of the law On the Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which contains a provision on the ratification of the treaty signed on behalf of Russia in New York on September 24, 1996. The title of the federal law On the Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is changed to On the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

Russia: Shoigu orders preparatory work for extraditing war criminal SS member Hunka from Canada

MOSCOW, October 18. /TASS/: Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has instructed the relevant agencies to coordinate with Belarusian law enforcement bodies to initiate a formal request to Interpol and Canada for the extradition of war criminal Yaroslav Hunka, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

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