United Kingdom

May to ask for Brexit delay as uncertainty continues

LONDON, March 19 (Xinhua) -- Downing Street confirmed Tuesday that British Prime Minister Theresa May will write to European Council President Donald Tusk asking for Britain's departure from the bloc to be delayed.

The latest development came after the bombshell decision by the Speaker of the House of Commons John Bercow to stop May putting her Brexit deal to politicians for a third time.

Media in London quoted an official Downing Street spokesman as saying it has plunged Britain into a constitutional crisis.

UK speaker blocks third vote on Brexit deal

18 Mar 2019; DW: A third vote by the UK parliament on the Brexit deal may be in jeopardy after the Speaker of the House in the UK parliament warned on Monday he could block the vote.

John Bercow cited a rule from 1604 that disallows parliament from voting on the same matter more than once in the same sitting.

Bercow said a third vote on the matter, if it was not substantially different, would fall afoul of this rule, last invoked in 1920, and he would therefore block it.

Nigel Farage leads pro-Brexit march to London

17 Mar 2019; DW: A "Leave Means Leave" pro-Brexit march to London began its two-week, 435-kilometer (270-mile) journey from Sunderland on Saturday.

The group of about 100-200 hardcore Brexiteers was led by former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage, who has accused politicians of "betraying the will of the people."

British lawmakers overwhelmingly vote in favor of delaying Brexit

14 Mar 2019; DW: Lawmakers in the House of Commons overwhelmingly backed a government motion on Thursday to ask for a three-month delay for Britain's departure from the European Union, which is currently scheduled for March 29.

The move has also paved the way for a third vote on Prime Minister Theresa May's divorce deal with the European Union, which could take place early next week.

British Parliament rejects no-deal Brexit

LONDON, March 13 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister Theresa May will have one last shot of winning support for her Brexit deal after MPs voted Wednesday to stop Britain quitting the European Union (EU) without a deal.

A vote to prevent a no-deal Brexit in any circumstance was won by 321 votes to 278 in the House of Commons.

Work and Pensions Minister Sarah Newton became the 15th government minister to resign over Brexit. She quit tonight after she voted against the government.

British business leaders call for taking no-deal option off table

LONDON, March 12 (Xinhua) -- British business leaders called for taking the no-deal option off the table to minimize disruption to the economy, after the UK parliament voted down Prime Minister Theresa May's revised Brexit deal on Tuesday evening.

Members of Parliament (MPs) voted 391-242 against the revised deal reached between the British government and the European Union in last-ditch talks in Strasbourg, France on Monday. It was the second heavy defeat for the Brexit deal since it was rejected by a margin of 230 in January.

Theresa May's Brexit deal defeat puts UK into uncertainty

LONDON, March 12 (Xinhua) -- It was yet another loss on Tuesday night for British Prime Minister Theresa May, as her Brexit deal was firmly rejected by Parliament.

A result of 391 to 242 votes was a devastating blow to May and could potentially delay the United Kingdom (UK) leaving the European Union (EU), threaten May's hold on power or derail Brexit entirely.

The vote has left the nation with little idea of a way forward, just 17 days before the UK is due to leave the EU.

UK PM secures "legally binding" changes to Brexit deal ahead of key vote

LONDON, March 11 (Xinhua) -- British Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday secured "legally binding" changes to her Brexit deal just less than 24 hours before a meaningful vote in the parliament on it, according to senior British official here.

David Lidington, the British Cabinet Office minister, told the House of Commons that the parliament will vote on this "improved" deal on Tuesday.

Brexit sees financial firms fleeing Britain to the EU

11 Mar 2019; DW: A report released by a London think tank on Monday said that 275 financial firms are in the process of transferring a combined $1.2 trillion (€1.06 trillion) worth of funds, assets and staff from Britain to the EU. The "Brexitometer," published by the New Financial think tank, said that the moves are an "inevitable consequence" of the "political circumstances" surrounding Brexit.

UK official says EU playing games over Brexit

LONDON (AP) — With tensions escalating, Britain’s House of Commons leader said Saturday that European Union officials need to take seriously British proposals for ending the Brexit impasse before a crucial vote in Parliament.

Andrea Leadsom said EU leaders are wrongly accusing Britain of failing to put forward detailed proposals, while offering proposed solutions that Britain had rejected months ago because they would threaten ties to Northern Ireland.

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