United Kingdom

Theresa May faces pressure to step down to save Brexit

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister Theresa May faces growing pressure from within her own party either to resign or to set a date for stepping down as a way to build support for her Brexit agreement with the European Union, British media reported Sunday.

Senior Conservative Party figures were urging May to recognize her weakened political position and leave the prime minister’s post. However, there was no indication from Downing Street a resignation was near.

Hundreds of thousands march for Brexit referendum

LONDON, March 23 (Xinhua) -- Hundreds of thousands of people on Saturday marched through central London calling for another referendum on Brexit as the country is caught by the Brexit impasse again.

The campaign, "Put it to the people", reportedly attracted over 1 million people

It came after the European Union agreed to delay the Britain's departure from the EU

Millions sign petition to cancel Brexit

23 Mar 2019; DW: A petition asking the British government to reverse its course on Brexit has received more than 4 million signatures in only three days.

The official parliamentary petition launched on Wednesday is calling for the government to revoke Article 50, the mechanism that governs Britain's departure from the European Union.

UK Labour deputy backs second referendum

23 Mar 2019; DW: Speaking on commercial radio in London on Friday, Tom Watson said he would support Prime Minister Theresa May's deal, or a revised deal going through parliament, but only if the public was allowed to vote on it too.

He also said he would take part in Saturday's second People's Vote march. The last such march was the country's second-biggest protest since more than a million people turned out for the 2003 Stop the War demonstration against the invasion of Iraq.

Four in 10 Britons worried, angry about Brexit

22 Mar 2019; AFP: Around four in 10 British adults have been left feeling powerless, angry or worried by Brexit in the past year, according to a poll out Friday.

The Mental Health Foundation (MHF) charity commissioned the survey to look at the impact of Britain's impending departure from the European Union on how people feel, their sleep and their relationships.

The poll found that Brexit had made 43 percent feel powerless, 39 percent feel angry and 38 percent feel worried.

Underground bunker set up in London to handle no-deal Brexit

LONDON, March 21 (Xinhua) -- An operations room in an underground bunker at the Ministry of Defense (MoD)'s Central London headquarters has been readied to handle a no-deal Brexit, reports said Thursday.

The nuclear bunker, said to be deep in the bowels of the MoD offices in Whitehall, will be used as a control center to coordinate efforts if Britain leaves the European Union without a deal.

Brexit to cost billions in income losses across Europe

21 Mar 2019; DW: Brexit — soft or hard — is expected to cost Europeans billions of euros every year in the form of reduced incomes, a new study by Germany's Bertelsmann Foundation shows.

The impact would be particularly huge if Britain were to leave the European Union without a deal.

The losses are expected to be mainly driven by higher prices of goods and services as a result of tariffs that would kick in after Brexit. Currently, there are no tariffs in the EU single market.

My deal or no deal, defiant May says in Brexit speech

LONDON, March 20 (Xinhua) -- Prime Minister Theresa May announced Wednesday she will not delay Britain's departure from the European Union beyond June, ruling out a further extension if MPs reject her Brexit deal.

Her message from 10 Downing Street to the British people came after another tense day in the House of Commons when she announced she has asked EU Council President Donald Tusk to delay Britain's exit from the bloc.

UK police arrest wealthy Indian jeweler Nirav Modi

LONDON (AP) — Fugitive diamond tycoon Nirav Modi has been arrested in London at the request of Indian authorities.

The Metropolitan Police force says 48-year-old Modi was detained Tuesday in central London and held overnight in custody.

He is due to appear at London’s Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

A jeweler to Bollywood stars, Modi is wanted in India over allegations of banking fraud. Last year the international police organization Interpol issued a “red notice” for his arrest.

UK returns 3,000-year-old tablet looted during Iraq War

19 Mar 2019; AFP: A 3,000-year-old carved stone tablet from Babylonia, which promises a curse on those who would destroy it, is to be flown home from Britain after being looted during the Iraq War.

British Museum boss Hartwig Fischer handed over the priceless work to Iraqi Ambassador Salih Husain Ali during a ceremony on Tuesday after museum experts had verified its provenance.

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