Human Rights

Venezuela denounces to UNESCO socio-cultural impact of US blockade

PARIS, Nov 19 (NNN-Prensa Latina) - Venezuela denounced at the UNESCO General Conference the impact of the US-imposed financial blockade on the country’s socio-cultural life and its relations with the UN specialized organization.

Addressing the general debate of the forum that entered its second week, Minister for Indigenous Peoples Aloha Nuñez said that Washington’s unilateral sanctions prevent in many cases the importation of food and medical supplies essential for the population.

Argentina, Uruguay slammed for playing football match in Israel

Boycott Campaign – Palestine (BCP) yesterday condemned Argentina and Uruguay for playing an international friendly match in Tel Aviv.

In a statement, the BCP said that the Israeli occupation state is trying to cover up its continuous “crimes” and “massacres” through such matches.

Ex-UNRWA chief blames US, Israel for his resignation

19 Nov 2019; MEMO: Pierre Krahenbuhl, the former commissioner-general for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), has blamed the US and Israel for his resignation, Al Jazeera network reported yesterday.

According to the news site, Krahenbuhl said it was clear to him that he would have paid the price for defending UNRWA and refuting the claims of Israel’s ambassador to the UN.

PA: Renewal of UNRWA’s mandate a slap in the face for the US

19 Nov 2019; MEMO: Palestinian Authority (PA) said yesterday that the renewal of UNRWA’s mandate by the UN General Assembly is a slap in the face of the US.

Speaking to Palestine TV, Foreign Minister Riyad Al-Maliki said that this is a victory for Palestinian diplomacy led by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

Israel’s president does not want coalition government with Arabs

19 Nov 2019; MEMO: Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin has asked head of the Blue and White Party, Benny Gantz, not to form a government backed by the Arab-majority parties, Kan reported yesterday.

According to the Israeli broadcaster, Rivlin extended his request to Gantz during a meeting that took place on Saturday at the former’s residence.

India: IAS Who Quit Job to Protest Against J&K Lockdown Will Not Rejoin, 'Want to Serve People'

New Delhi, 19 Nov 2019, GANASHAKTI: Three months after quitting his job to protest the lockdown and the denial of freedom of expression to the people of Jammu and Kashmir, IAS officer Kannan Gopinathan on Monday said he will not rejoin duty, instead continue to create awareness about the dangerous situation the nation is being led towards.

India: Sharad Yadav backs protesting JNU students

New Delhi, Nov 18 (PTI) Opposition leader Sharad Yadav on Monday accused the JNU administration of acting at the behest of the Union government to "play" with the career of poor students.

In a statement, he also condemned Delhi police action against the students protesting against the fee hike, saying it was "completely unjustified" and may further flare up the situation.

India: 956 minor rape cases registered in 9 months in Odisha state

Bhubaneswar, Nov 18 (PTI) Odisha has registered 1,865 rape cases including sexual assault on 956 minor girls, 7,706 molestation incidents and 337 dowry death cases during the first nine months of 2019, the assembly was informed on Monday.

The state government, however, said the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data putting Odisha at the top of molestation and fourth in dowry death cases in the country are not correct.

Deadly terror attack leaves California Hmong community in shock

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — A close-knit Hmong community was in shock after gunmen burst into a California backyard gathering and shot 10 men, killing four.

“We are right now just trying to figure out what to do, what are the next steps. How do we heal, how do we know what’s going on,” said Bobby Bliatout, a community leader.

Sunday evening’s attack killed Xy Lee, a Hmong singer and musician whose videos on YouTube have been viewed millions of times.

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