Human Rights

UN condemns deadly IS attack in southern Libya

TRIPOLI, May 4 (Xinhua): The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on Saturday condemned the deadly attack carried out by Islamic State (IS) militants on an army training center in the south Libya's Sabha city.

"The UNSMIL strongly condemns the terrorist attack in Sabha, which was claimed by the IS in the Levant and resulted in a number of Libyan casualties. Perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of terrorist activities must be brought to justice," the mission said in a statement.

USA: Homeless advocacy group meets resistance for housing plan in Bay Area

SAN FRANCISCO, May 3 (Xinhua): An advocacy group in the Bay Area has met resistance from local residents who oppose a proposed plan to build permanent housing for the homeless in their neighborhood, a local TV outlet reported Friday.

The group called People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) is exploring possibilities of turning the site of a long-defunct grocery store into 100 permanent apartment homes for the homeless, the KRON4 TV said.

Israeli airstrikes on Gaza

4 May 2019; DW: The Israeli army on Saturday said it had carried out retaliatory airstrikes after some 50 rockets were fired from the Palestinian enclave of Gaza earlier in the day. There were no reports of casualties from the attacks, with dozens of rockets reportedly intercepted by air defenses.

The flare-up comes after four Palestinians in the Gaza strip were killed on Friday, as protests erupted along the Israeli border. Two of those killed were said to be Hamas militants.

Hungary depriving rejected asylum-seekers of food: UN

4 May 2019; DW: The United Nations on Friday said Hungary was deliberately depriving rejected asylum-seekers awaiting deportation of food, in violation of international law.

"According to reports, since August 2018, at least 21 migrants awaiting deportation had been deprived of food by the Hungarian authorities — some for up to five days," said UN human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani.

Iran vows to defeat U.S. through "unity, resistance"

TEHRAN, May 4 (Xinhua): Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Saturday said that Iran will "defeat" the United States through unity of the nation, official IRNA news agency reported.

"We should solidify our unity and strengthen hope in (the Iranian) society," Rouhani was quoted as saying.

The United States aims to "disappoint the Iranians and sow discord between the people and the government by exerting the sanction pressures," he said.

Fake news: A look at what didn’t happen this week

4 May 2019 (AP) - A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these is legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked these out. Here are the real facts:


CLAIM: “Elijah Cummings wrote a bill to keep all of Obama’s records sealed, but he insists that Congress must see all of President Trump’s financial records.”

Heavy fighting in southern Tripoli displaces over 50,000 people

UNITED NATIONS, May 3 (Xinhua): Heavy fighting in southern Tripoli, including airstrikes and rocket barrages, has taken a toll on civilians and structures alike, forcing more than 50,000 people to leave their homes, a UN spokesman said on Friday.

"We continue to be concerned about the heavy fighting in southern Tripoli," said Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. "There are reports of extensive use of airstrikes and rocket shelling causing more civilian casualties and destruction, and forcing thousands more civilians from their homes."

4 Pelestinians killed, dozens injured by Israeli soldiers

GAZA, May 3 (Xinhua): Four Palestinians were killed and 51 injured during clashes on Friday with the Israeli army forces in eastern Gaza Strip close to the border with Israel, medics and security sources said.

Ashraf al-Qedra, Gaza Health Ministry spokesman, told reporters that two demonstrators were shot dead and 51 injured by Israeli soldiers' gunfire during the weekly anti-Israel protests in eastern Gaza Strip, close to the border with Israel.

'Journalism in Europe has been weakened'

3 May 2019; DW: Jamal Khashoggi, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Jan Kuciak: Their murders are among the most serious attacks on press freedom and a symptom of a deep-rooted problem, says Christophe Deloire of Reporters Without Borders.

Almost one person in two in the world does not have access to freely reported news and information. As Europeans, we can count ourselves lucky that we enjoy "this freedom that allows us to verify respect for all the other freedoms." 

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