Human Rights

Sri Lanka supports Putin’s idea of global front against terrorism

MOSCOW, May 7. /TASS/: Sri Lanka supports Russian President Vladimir Putin’s initiative to form a global front against terrorism, the country’s Ambassador to Russia Dayan Jayatilleka said in an interview with TASS.

"Everyone can benefit from the initiative that Russian President Vladimir Putin put forward at the UN General Assembly in 2015. He said we needed to establish a truly global, united front to combat terrorism," he emphasized.

Three children rescued from Syrian camps undergoing rehabilitation in Russia

SEVASTOPOL, May 7. /TASS/: Three children of terrorists eliminated in Syria have been rescued from refugee camps on the territory of the republic and are currently undergoing rehabilitation in Russia, member of the Russian State Duma (lower house of parliament) Dmitry Sablin told TASS on Tuesday.

Five dead, 233 detained after attempted coup in Venezuela

CARACAS, May 6 (Xinhua): At least five people were killed and around 233 people arrested after the April 30 coup attempt in Venezuela, Venezuela's prosecutor general Tarek William Saab said Monday.

In an interview with local television, Saab said that the coup was carried out through a call by opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez and Juan Guaido, backed by renegade soldiers.

The Public Prosecutor's Office has so far issued 18 arrest warrants and some are against military officials, the prosecutor general said.

Thousands of Czechs demand justice minister's resignation

7 May 2019; DW: For the second week in a row, tens of thousands of people took part in protests in Prague and other cities across the Czech Republic on Monday to protest against Prime Minister Andrej Babis and his newly appointed justice minister.

Marie Benesova was appointed as the head of the Justice Ministry last Tuesday after her predecessor resigned. Benesova will now have significant control over prosecutions, including a criminal case involving Babis.

India: Muzaffarnagar riots: Court orders to attach property of six accused

Muzaffarnagar, May 7 (PTI) A court here has ordered to attach the property of all six accused in a Muzaffarnagar riots case as they failed to surrender before it despite repeated arrest warrants.

The accused had allegedly stabbed a youth, Shahnawaz, to death at Kawal village in Muzaffarnagar on August 27, 2013.

The accused have been identified as Ravinder, Prehlad, Bishan Singh, Tendu, Devender and Jitender.

830 residential apartments damaged in Israeli strikes in Gaza

7 May 2019; MEMO: Deputy Housing Minister in Gaza Naji Sarhan said that 130 residential apartments were completely destroyed and 700 others were partially destroyed in the Israeli strike in Gaza.

In a statement, a copy of which sent to MEMO, Sarhan said that the emergency staff of the ministry started their evaluation of the targeted buildings since the start of the Israeli offensive.

Israel’s Gaza blockade under scrutiny after latest violence

JERUSALEM (AP) — For 12 years, Israel has maintained a blockade over the Gaza Strip, seeking to weaken the territory’s militant Hamas rulers. And for 12 years, Hamas has remained firmly in power, developing a thriving homegrown weapons industry along the way.

This weekend’s violence, the worst in a string of flare-ups since a 2014 war, provided the latest illustration of the limitations of the blockade and fueled calls Monday in Israel for a rethinking of the longstanding policy, which many see as ineffective and even counterproductive.

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