New York

Ukraine envoy to UN says Russia 'declared war'

United Nations, Feb 24 (AP) Ukraine's ambassador at the United Nations has told the Security Council that Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared war on Ukraine .

He also pressed his Russian counterpart to state that Russia will not shell and bomb Ukrainian cities.

Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya said Wednesday night that if Russian Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia was not in a position to give a positive answer, he should relinquish the presidency of the Security Council, which Russia holds this month.

UN chief vows to find peaceful solution to Ukraine's crisis

UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) -- United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres vowed on Tuesday that the world body will never give up on finding a peaceful solution to the Ukraine crisis.

"We must rally and meet this challenge together for peace, and to save the people of Ukraine and beyond from the scourge of war," the UN chief told reporters at the UN headquarters in New York.

"It is high time to return to the path of dialogue and negotiations," he said, adding that he is "fully committed to" all efforts to resolve this crisis "without further bloodshed."

EU must ban trade with illegal settlements, including Israel, HRW says

22 Feb 2022; MEMO: Trade with settlements in Occupied Territories contributes to human rights abuses and must be banned, as part of a European Citizen's Initiative (ECI), Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated yesterday.

"The transfer of an occupying power's civilian population to a militarily occupied territory violates the Fourth Geneva Convention and, under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, is a war crime," HRW said in a statement.

Hawaii becomes only U.S. state sticking to mask mandate

NEW YORK, Feb. 22 (Xinhua) -- Hawaii is the lone remaining U.S. state sticking with indoor mask mandate as U.S. COVID-19 cases drop, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

Hawaii, which has had the country's fewest cases per capita over the course of the pandemic, has seen its daily average of new cases plummet about 70 percent over the past two weeks, the report said.

"I am working with the Department of Health to determine when the time is right for Hawaii to lift the indoor mask mandate," Governor David Ige told a local TV news station.

Putin gets no support from UN Security Council over Ukraine

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin received no support from members of the U.N. Security Council at an emergency meeting Monday night for his actions to bring separatists in eastern Ukraine under Moscow’s control.

The U.S. called his moves a pretext for a further invasion, many members condemned his violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and even close ally China urged diplomacy and a peaceful solution.

US envoy says Putin testing how far he can push

United Nations, Feb 22 (AP) The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has dismissed as nonsense Russian President Vladimir Putin's announcement that he is putting Russian troops in separatist areas of eastern Ukraine as peacekeepers, saying their presence is clearly the basis for Russia's attempt to create a pretext for a further invasion of Ukraine.

Pakistan urges UN chief to ‘do much more’ towards resolving inter-state disputes to promote peace

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 21 (APP): Pakistan has called for addressing the root-causes of conflicts, including the use of force, foreign intervention, occupation, xenophobia, Islamophobia and hate speech as well as poverty, inequality, and exploitation, while commenting on United Nations Secretary General’s “New Agenda for Peace” in a UN panel.

USA: Washington has to adjust its economic structure to reduce trade deficits: Stephen Roach

NEW YORK, Feb. 19 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. government's approach to deal with trade deficits has failed and the country has to make big adjustments in its economic structure, a renowned U.S. economist has said.

"You can't fix your deficit problem by going after your largest deficit trading partner. It didn't work with Japan. It's not working with China," Stephen Roach, a senior fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs, said Wednesday at an online dialogue organized by the Asia Society, a non-profit New York-based institution.

Pakistan govt working hard to promote people’s welfare: Nakai

NEW YORK, Feb 18 (APP): The visiting Pakistan parliamentary delegation leader, Sardar Talib Hasan Nakai, MNA, told a gathering of Pakistani community activists that Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government was working diligently to ensure the people’s welfare, and it’s success in combating the coronavirus pandemic was recognized internationally.

At Berlin conference, UN chief call for de-escalation of heightened tensions

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 18 (APP): With tensions continuing to mount over the Ukraine crisis, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Friday that he still believed military conflict in Europe “will not happen” – but if it did, “it would be catastrophic”.

Addressing world leaders at the Munich Security Conference in Berlin — amid an intense spike in shelling in eastern Ukraine by opposing sides, and a concentration of Russian troops around the country’s borders –- the UN chief said that it was high time to “seriously de-escalate” the crisis.

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