New York

World must ‘change track’ to protect oceans from climate crisis: UN chief

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 12 (APP): United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called on the international community to “change track” in protecting the ocean from the climate crisis.

Global warming, biodiversity loss and pollution are a triple crisis facing the planet, he said in a video message to the One Ocean Summit taking place in the northern French coastal city of Brest., warning that the ocean “shoulders a great deal of the burden”.

As the ocean serves as a giant carbon and heat sink, it is growing warmer and more acidic, causing its ecosystems to suffer.

US hate crime: South Korean diplomat has nose broken in random attack in New York City

NEW YORK, Feb 11 (NNN-Xinhua) — A South Korean diplomat in his fifties was beaten and had his nose broken on a street of New York City in a random attack which has drawn wide attention to the deterioration of public safety and persistent hate crime in the megacity.

The victim, who has not been named, was walking with a friend at 8:10 p.m. in Midtown Manhattan when the incident happened, according to media reports citing New York Police Department (NYPD).

US conservative figures cheer on Canadian trucker protest

NEW YORK (AP) — Several conservative media figures in the U.S. have taken up the cause of Canadian truckers who have occupied parts of Ottawa and blocked border crossings to protest COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates.

Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity cheered the truckers on while showing three live reports from Ottawa this week, while Tucker Carlson’s online store is selling “I (heart) Tucker” t-shirts edited to say “I (heart) Truckers.”

Trump turns to endorsements to keep bending GOP to his will

NEW YORK (AP) — Donald Trump spent months persuading a longtime ally to challenge Georgia’s sitting Republican governor. This week, he gave David Perdue another boost, orchestrating a deal for a rival to drop his campaign and instead run for Congress with the former president’s coveted endorsement.

Battle against Da’esh a ‘long-term game’, UN official tells Security Council

UNITED NATIONS, Feb 10 (APP): The global fight against the ever-shifting threat posed by Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) and its affiliates remains a “long-term game” for which there are “no quick fixes”, the senior United Nations counter-terrorism official has told the Security Council.

Valdimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General for Counter-Terrorism, said that recent events demonstrate the very real threat still posed by ISIL/Da’esh, Al-Qaeda and their spin-off groups.

USA: Republican rift exposes choice: With Trump or against him

NEW YORK (AP) — Senate Republicans blame the Republican National Committee. The RNC blames two Republican House members. They blame former President Donald Trump. And Trump blames Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.

In the midst of the GOP’s first major election year blowup, each bloc believes it represents the real Republican Party and its best interests in the bid to regain control of Congress.

UN Security Council urged to mitigate sanctions' unintended effects

UNITED NATIONS, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- Efforts must be made by the UN Security Council to better mitigate the unintended negative impact of sanctions and curtail unilateral coercive measures that continue to negatively affect the very populations they are meant to protect, said UN officials on Monday.

USA: Vaccines pushes Pfizer beyond expectations in final quarter

(AP) --- COVID-19 vaccine sales boosted Pfizer earnings well past expectations in the fourth quarter, but the drugmaker is setting a lower-than-expected bar for 2022.

Pfizer debuted on Tuesday annual forecasts for both earnings and revenue that fell short of analyst expectations even as the drugmaker expects another robust year of sales from its vaccine, Comirnaty, and its new coronavirus treatment, Paxlovid.

Its stock started sliding in early trading.

Russia: Moscow considers West’s speculation about invasion of Kiev as madness - diplomat

UN, February 6. /TASS/: The speculation of Western countries about how many days Kiev can fall in the course of a potential Russian invasion is madness and scaremongering, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy said on Sunday.

"Madness and scaremongering continue. What if we would say that US could seize London in a week and cause 300K civilian deaths? All this based on our intelligence sources that we won’t disclose," Polyanskiy said in a Twitter post. "Would it feel right for Americans and Britts? It’s as wrong for Russians and Ukrainians".

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