Human Rights

Turkish FM urges UN to set commission on Khashoggi case

ANTALYA, 08 Feb 2019; AA: The UN should set up a commission or initiate investigation into the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was killed in Istanbul last fall, the foreign minister said Friday.

Speaking to reporters in the Mediterranean province of Antalya, Mevlut Cavusoglu said: "We see it improbable, unfortunately, due to the attitude of some countries."

He urged UN chief Antonio Guterres and UN Human Rights High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet to form a commission to clarify facts.

New bases in Myanmar's Rakhine concern UN official

WASHINGTON; 09 Feb 2019; AA: A UN special rapporteur for Myanmar on Friday expressed concerns over the Myanmar military constructing new bases in Rakhine state.

Yanghee Lee said she was told the Myanmar military is constructing new bases throughout the entire area and received information that civilians in Myanmar had seen troops moving through villages in Rakhine and heard gunfire nearby.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian teenagers in latest Gaza protests

09 Feb 2019; DW: Palestinian protests along the fence separating Israel and Gaza are in their 46th week. More than 250 Palestinians have been killed and some 6,000 injured by live Israeli fire during this period.

Israeli troops shot and killed two Palestinian teenagers during protests along the fence separating Israel and the Gaza Strip on Friday.

Maduro rejects humanitarian aid

09 Feb 2019; DW: "We're no one's beggars," Maduro said as supplies were being stockpiled along the Colombian border. He has rejected calls from Europe and the Americas for fresh elections.

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Friday that he would not allow "fake" humanitarian aid to enter the country. Convoys of food and medicine supplied by the US at the request of self-declared opposition president Juan Guaido have been brought to the Venezuelan-Colombian border.

Sierra Leone declares national rape emergency

08 Feb 2019; DW: Sierra Leone's President Julius Maada Bio declared rape and sexual violence a national emergency on Thursday, calling for an end to the culture of "indifference" and impunity surrounding it.

His announcement follows a national outcry over the prevalence of sexual violence in the West African nation, where recorded cases of sexual and gender-based violence doubled last year, reaching 8,505 in a population of 7.5 million, according to police statistics.

Pompeo, Saudi minister meet on Khashoggi as U.S. report deadline near

WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Thursday met with Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir on bilateral ties and the death of Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, as the congressional deadline for the White House to submit an investigation report on his death was near.

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