Arab Funds Ready To Help Lebanon Once Political Crisis Over

BEIRUT, Dec 1 (NNN-NNA) – The Arab League assistant secretary general said, Arab funds are ready to help Lebanon, once the political crisis in the country is over.

“Lebanese officials must accelerate the formation of a new government, because any economic support is not possible without a new cabinet supported by the Lebanese people,” Hossam Zaki was quoted as saying.

Zaki said that the Arab League may hold an exceptional economic meeting soon.

Zaki arrived in Lebanon on Thursday, to meet with Lebanese officials and explore how the Arab League can support Lebanon in overcoming its current crisis.

Lebanon has been witnessing nationwide protests for over 40 days, which led to the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister, Saad Hariri’s government.

The Lebanese president failed, so far, to hold parliamentary consultations, to name a new prime minister, capable of forming a new government, to deal with Lebanon’s deteriorating financial situation.