Prominent Kashmiri body urges India to ‘unconditionally’ release of JKLF leader Yasin Malik

Yasin Malik

NEW YORK, Mar 22 (APP): An organization dedicated to promoting the realization of Kashmiri people’s U.N.-pledged right to self-determination has called on the United Nations to demand the immediate release of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front chief Muhammad Yasin Malik who is being held in Indian jail on “trumped-up” charges.

The organization — World Kashmir Awareness Forum (WKAF) — expressed “deep distress” over Malik’s vow to go on fast-unto-death on April 1 to protest against his incarceration and denial of legal process.

In its statement WKAF, which is based in Washington, DC, called for ensuring the safety of Yasin Malik, while underscoring that as a “popular and revered” leader he has been waging a peaceful struggle against the Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir for the last 34 years.

“WKAF appeals to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to demand the unconditional release of Muhammad Yasin Malik and other political prisoners immediately and drop all its trumped-up charges against him and hundreds of other political prisoners,” the statement said.

“Further, WKAF demands that the United Nations mediate with the Government of India to allow Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists and a delegation of Kashmiri American diaspora to travel to New Delhi to meet with Malik at an early date.”

Meanwhile, the ailing Chairman of All Parties Hurriyet Conference, Syed Ali Geelani, who himself has been under house arrest for 11 years, has expressed grave concern over Malik’s health and safety.

Geelani said he suspects that India was plotting to send Yasin Malik to the gallows. Warning India, Geelani stated, “If anything happened to JKLF Chairman, India would be held responsible for it.”