Russian, Cuban top diplomats call for lifting US unilateral sanctions against Havana

Russian foreign ministry

MOSCOW, May 8. /TASS/: Russian and Cuban Foreign Ministers, Sergey Lavrov and Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla exchanged congratulatory telegrams on the 60th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries, the Russian foreign ministry said on Friday.

"Lavrov expressed confidence that the Russian-Cuban strategic partnership will continue to develop in the interests of the peoples of our states. He reiterated the identity of approaches on issues of the international and regional agenda, including the necessity of lifting all unilateral sanctions that run counter to the norms of international law in the face of the global threat," the ministry stressed.

According to the ministry, the Cuban top diplomat pointed to his country’s intention to expand productive cooperation with Russia "which is based on the traditions of friendship, solidarity and mutual respect."

"The minister expressed gratitude for Russia’s unfailing support in what concerns lifting of the American blockade of Cuba," the Russian foreign ministry added.

Official contacts between Russian and Cuba were established in 1902 but were suspended after the Bolshevik Revolution. The Soviet Union established diplomatic relations with Cuba in October 1942 and severed them after the Fulgencio Batista coup on April 3, 1952. Relations were resumed on May 8, 1960 after the Cuban revolution.

"The countries have been strengthening these ties, which have reached a level of strategic partnership we have managed to consolidate thanks to the active top-level political dialogue and shared position on the key issues of the international agenda," as follows from an article by Russian and Cuban Foreign Ministers, Sergey Lavrov and Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla, published in Friday’s issue of the Rossiiskaya Gazeta and Granma dailies.

"Russia and Cuba are looking in the future of bilateral relations with optimism and continues to work to protect their sovereignty and independence, and the right to ensure security and decide their own future. We have all the means and resources for that and we are confident that this is the right path," the ministers emphasized.