Distribution coefficient of coronavirus in Russia on average 1 - Golikova

Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Tatyana Golikova

MOSCOW, May 11. / TASS /: The prevalence rate of coronavirus infection in Russia is on average 1, but varies greatly from region to region, said Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova on Monday.

"Today, on May 11, in Russia the infection spread coefficient is equal to one on average, in the subjects, of course, it varies greatly," she said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Russia.

According to TASS calculations based on data from the authorities, currently, in Russia the coefficient is 1.04. In order to abandon the restrictive measures introduced because of the coronavirus, the indicator must be less than or equal to 1.

In Russia, according to the data of the federal operational headquarters for the fight against coronavirus, 221,344 cases of infection were registered, 39,801 people got better 2,009 passed away.