Too early to talk about easing lockdown restrictions in Moscow - official


MOSCOW, May 16. /TASS/: It will be possible to talk about easing lockdown restrictions in Moscow in the middle of next week, Head of Moscow’s Department of Trade and Services Alexei Nemeryuk told the Ekho Moskvy (Echo of Moscow) radio station.

"We discuss that with the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor). They have some plans, of course, but still, it is probably premature to talk about easing restrictions until [May] 21-22," he said.

When asked whether a decrease in the incidence of the disease was a signal to ease restrictions, the official noted that this is a "good trend," but it too early to draw any conclusions. "We need to wait for two weeks after the May holidays and look at this dynamics and after that probably make some decisions. It is for this reason that the lockdown period in Moscow was extended until May 31," he said.

Moscow went on lockdown on March 29 in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. On April 15, the city’s authorities launched digital permits for traveling on any types of transport.