Malaysian Consultative Council for implementation of UN resolutions on Kashmir

United Nations

LONDON, Jun 01 (APP): Calling upon an immediate United Nations (UN) intervention to halt the forced demographic change by the Indian government in occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJK), Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid Coordinator Asean Ngo Advocacy Group for Kashmir, and President Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for implementation of its resolutions on Kashmir to grant the right of self-determination to the Kashmiris.

“Delay no more, United Nations (UN) must act now, Kashmir must be given the right to self-determination”, he remarked.

“We take cognizant of the massive abuse of human rights by the Government of India on the Kashmiri population in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, since the abrogation of Article 370 and the lockdown on August 5, 2019 which have created an unacceptable living condition for the local Kashmiris”, Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said in the latest statement and released by Pakistan
High Commission London, the other day.

He said that stripping critical rights, and escalating military presence, the Government of India (GoI) was pursuing a total annexation of Jammu Kashmir disputed territory.

He further lamented that collective punishment and mass incarceration have been the order of the day by GoI against the people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

“We regret the Government of India has ignored the call by the UN Secretary-General for a global ceasefire of all hostilities to focus on the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Government of India did exactly the opposite”, he remarked.

It intensified its attacks on the Kashmiris and launched an all-out assault against human rights in Kashmir.

Mohd Azimi strongly condemned India for the arrest, intimidation and persecution of Kashmiri journalists, assassination of people struggling for their freedom were a show of the occupation agenda of the Indian government to stifle resistance from Kashmiris.

“We abhor and condemn in the strongest terms the destruction of civilian homes and accelerated implementation of policies promoting forced demographic change in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJK).

“The continued intense militarisation by Government of India in occupied Jammu and Kashmir is a clear and gross violation to its commitments made at the UNSC”, Mohd Azimi Abdul Hamid who is also President Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization, said.

“We reaffirm our commitment to protest against the Government of India's (GoI) gross rights violations and war crimes and crimes against humanity committed against the Muslims of Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir. ( IOJK )”, he remarked.

He added that the Government of India has broken its own constitution by denying Kashmiris their special status as a territory as provided in the Indian constitution.

“We remind the UN Secretary-General that if he fails to intervene, Kashmir will go down under the brutality of the Hindutva (or Hindu supremacists) movement,which in India is a militant, anti-Muslims, ultranationalist movement.

We are deeply concern on the deteriorating situation in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir since the lockdown in August 2019”, he said.

The Kashmiris of Indian occupied Kashmir, he said, have
the suffered longest communication shutdown, detentions, torture and killings with impunity and local economic devastation.

He added that Media organizations were not allowed to operate freely, healthcare and education are denied, and civilians were being punished collectively.

“We re-iterate that the forced demographic change of IOJK in favor of Hindus constitutes a crime against humanity and a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention.

We oppose the domicile rules enacted in May 2020 which has diminished the people of IOJK’s rights to automatic access to public employment opportunities”, he remarked.

This, he said was part of the demographic colonialization strategy of the Government of India.

Mohd Azimi said that it was despicable to learn Hindutva politicians in India have already been encouraging Indian men to go to Kashmir to take Kashmiri land and marry the women.

“We are fully aware of the implication of the Government of India’s plan as it would ultimately ensure Hindu dominance in the populace and the right to self-determination of the Kashmiris will end.

“We cannot accept the lame reaction of the UN despite massive rights violations and commission of crimes, that has been left unchecked”, he said.
“The reality in IOJK is one of state violence to deny and suppress people’s legitimate rights”, he said.

He said that by allowing the situation to prolong the international community would be culpable of complicity to the time committed by the government of India.

He added that further delay in taking concrete actions in accordance with UNSC resolutions, on the atrocities inflicted against the Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir dire situation by the government of India, might eventually evolve into a nuclear conflict and therefore threaten global peace.

Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid who is also the Coordinator Asean Ngo Advocacy Group for Kashmir, and President Malaysia Consultative Council of Islamic Organization, therefore called upon the UN to prevail on the government of India to comply with the international laws and resolutions on the Kashmir issue, stop all policies and measures by GoI to force change the demography of IOJK, lift the lockdown and allow life back to normalcy in IOJK, withdraw all Indian military troops out of Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir and allow access to humanitarian relief, media and human rights organizations into Indian Occupied Jammu Kashmir, He also called for the immediate release of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir political detainees by the Indian security and implement a free and impartial plebiscite in Kashmir.