China warns Canada of “serious consequences” if Huawei CFO not released

 Meng Wanzhou

China has warned of  serious consequences if Canada did not release Huawei CFO immidietly, calling the case “extremely nasty”.

Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s global chief financial officer, was arrested in Canada and faces extradition to the United States, for her company’s links to a firm that tried to sell equipment to Iran despite sanctions. Meng Wanzhou is the daughter of the founder of Huawei.

If found guilty Wanzhou may get a maximum sentence of 30 years for each charge.

A decision was not reached at six hours of extradition hearing, which was adjourned until Monday.

In a statement; Vice Foreign Minister Le Yucheng had issued the warning to release Meng to Canada’s ambassador in Beijing.

Meng Wanzhou arrest while she was changing plane in Vancouver was a serious breach of her lawful rights, Le said.

“China strongly urges the Canadian side to immediately release the detained person, and earnestly protect their lawful, legitimate rights, otherwise Canada must accept full responsibility for the serious consequences caused.”, read the statement.