Russia: Vice-Admiral Kulakov destroyer conducts submarine search drills in the Mediterranean


MOSCOW, September 11. /TASS/: During their mission in the Mediterranean, the crew of the Russian Navy’s Vice-Admiral Kulakov destroyer conducted exercises to search for and track a mock enemy submarine, the Northern Fleet's press service told journalists Friday.

The drills involved a KA-27PL anti-submarine helicopter, according to the fleet's press service.

"The helicopter crew conducted several sorties from the destroyer’s deck to search for submarines in the designated area. During the flight, the pilots practiced searching for an underwater target via a submergible hydroacoustic station," the press service said.

Vice-Admiral Kulakov has stayed in the Mediterranean since early August. The ship conducted business calls to Algeria and Cyprus, as well as several naval exercises. So far, the ship travelled over 15,000 nautical miles.