RUSSIA: Central Election Commission registers over 1,300 complaints during election campaign

Ella Pamfilova

MOSCOW, September 14. /TASS/: Russia’s Central Election Commission (CEC) received 1,301 written complaints during this year’s election campaign, CEC chairwoman Ella Pamfilova said on Monday.

"To date, the Central Election Commission has received 1,301 written complaints from various participants in the electoral process. Notably, there were nearly twice as many complaints over the same period last year on the single voting day," she said.

According to Pamfilova, most of the complaints "are related to election campaigns at municipal elections." "The lower the campaign’s level is, the higher passions run, the more complaints are filed," she noted.

Elections of various levels were held in 83 Russian regions on Sunday, the single voting day, which was preceded by early voting on September 11 and 12. The decision to organize early voting was taken by the Central Election Commission on July 24 to minimize health risks amid the coronavirus epidemic. Four entities - the Republic of Tatarstan, the Kursk, Penza, and Yaroslavl regions - elected members of the State Duma (parliament's lower house). Eleven regions voted on local legislators, and eighteen regions held direct elections of their top officials. Heads of regions were elected by local legislative assembles in the Nenets and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Areas.