RUSSIA: Northern Fleet to get nearly 200 new weapon systems in 2020

Sergei Shoigu

MOSCOW, September 17. /TASS/: The Northern Fleet will get 179 weapon systems this year, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Thursday.

"This year the fleet will receive 179 pieces of weapons," Shoigu said at the Defense Ministry’s board meeting. He recalled that the Northern Fleet had already been reinforced by the ballistic missile cruiser Knyaz Vladimir (of the project Borei), frigate The Admiral Kasatonov, fuel tanker The Akademik Pashin and hydrographic vessel The Nikolai Skosyrev.

Currently, the Northern Fleet is building Nagurskaya and Temp air bases and pre-fabricated modular houses for the newly-formed units of the 3rd Air Defense Division and weapons garages and hangars. Also, submarine piers are being upgraded for the newest submarines Borei-A.

"In cooperation with the Russian Geographic Society the Northern Fleet is conducting the third comprehensive Arctic expedition to explore the Arctic Ocean," Shoigu said. "The Northern Fleet is successfully coping with tasks in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean."